Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I seriously don't know how this woman sleeps at night. She is being handed a notecard full of talking points that make Robert Gibbs look like he's a beacon of integrity. Hey Linda, Obama LIED about his intentions with Health Care and it's caught on tape. The 54 second clip from 2003 does NOT consist of words that were "cobbled together".

Enter Jeffrey Lord at AMERICAN SPECTATOR, who explains why he gives Douglass the Arthur Sylvester award:
Arthur Sylvester stepped up to glory wearing the new title of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. His new boss: the aptly named and now recently deceased Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara.

Mr. McNamara, as has been recounted all over again with his passing, was one of the architects of America's Vietnam policy. Mr. Sylvester, the Linda Douglass of his day, was charged with explaining that policy to the journalists covering McNamara and the Pentagon, not to mention to the American people.
Sylvester was presented with this opportunity by getting close access to JFK as a journalist during the presidential run of 1960 according to Lord.

Lord then seems to compare the obfuscation that Douglass has provided for Obama recently with what Sylverster did for McNamara. The problematic conclusion that Lord implies is that the revelation of very important truths could ultimately be delayed by Douglass running interference.
Alas, as the American people would slowly -- very slowly -- discover, the Vietnam policy being implemented by Mr. McNamara and JFK's self-esteemed team of "the best and the brightest" was one of the worst debacles in American history. One of the reasons it took so much time to understand what was going on was that Mr. Sylvester (among others) was being less than forthcoming about what was actually happening as the policy moved along the track.
Sounds like an argument for Obama being made to come clean and Douglass realizing a need to clear her conscience.

Lord quotes Sylvester as quoted by David Halberstam in his book, "The Best and the Brightest". Sylvester allegedly said the following about America's Vietnam policy:
"Look, if you think any American official is going to tell you the truth, then you're stupid. Did you hear that? -- Stupid."
Unless and until Douglass says that, Sylvester was more honest.

Lord says as much further into his article:
It is now crystal clear that the Obama administration is lying about the president's goal of achieving a single-payer health care system. Let's be even more blunt:

The President is lying.

And Ms. Douglass has specifically gone on camera to lie for him -- just as Arthur Sylvester lied for Robert McNamara and the two presidents for whom McNamara worked.
The truth is that Obama IS lying. He is either lying about his current plan now or he was lying about his intentions then. The fact that he won't clarify indicates that he's an unrepentent liar and is sending Douglass out there to take the arrows.

The whole article is definitely a MUST READ

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