Small problem. It appears that Mayer ISN'T a doctor at all. Thanks to some excellent work at PATTERICO, Mayer actually admitted as much via email correspondence.

1.) She was an Obama state delegate
2.) She doesn't live in Sheila Jackson Lee's district (how'd she get that front row seat?)
Interesting developments to be sure but Patterico also has a link to a LONE STAR TIMES piece you definitely want to see. In addition to their claim that Mayer actually admitted to lying because she thought it would help her credibility (ah, so many dimensions to the backward left), LST id's a woman that accompanied Mayer to Lee's town hall as Maria Isabel, who ran an Obama campaign office that proudly displayed a Che Guevara flag (LST has the actual photo of Isabel seated behind Mayer).
Refresh my memory. What side of this debate was being accused of astro-turfing again? The conservatives are being accused of fake grass roots despite all of the evidence nearly exclusively to the contrary. Obama's advisor, David Axelrod, practically invented it. I guess astro-turfing is such a sleazy enterprise that part of it actually involves demonizing your opponents by accusing them of doing it.
Back to Mayer at the town hall.....
In a show of shoddy journalism, even the Houston Chronicle id'd Mayer as a doctor on August 11th. Here is the caption under the photo of the Mayer-Lee embrace:

If this is true (it looks pretty ironclad at the moment), what does it say about the Houston Chronicle if they don't investigate this new story further?
Be sure to read the email correspondence and get a much more detailed chronology of events at PATTERICO'S PONTIFICATIONS. An additional touch of irony provided when Mayer derides Frey's journalistic qualifications. It would seem, at least in this case, he was better qualified than was the Houston Chronicle.
Here's a video of the exchange between Lee and Mayer. Frankly, Mayer's status as a doctor should have been questioned when she said, "..we're deficient is that um, we are like so poor..."
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