The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights approved Friday its latest report on the Justice Department's handling of a controversial civil rights case, even though the report makes no findings related to the case or the larger question of whether the Justice Department enforces civil rights laws in an even-handed manner.The most outspoken commissioner against the commission report is Michael Yaki, who used to work for Nancy Pelosi - which should give an indication of how liberal he is. Yaki was reduced to smearing his commission's bias instead of focusing on the behavior of the DOJ. In a clear-cut case of projection, he levied accusations of partisanship while having it in spades himself.
The move marked what is likely to be a parting shot for conservative members, who are expected to become the minority and lose control of the commission in December.
In another possible sign that the alleged 'White House Insider' may still be talking to Ulsterman, the most extensive analysis - among an extremely rare field - of the final report appears on the anonymous blogger's site. Remember that the Insider indicated that the future scandal nearly certain to befall the Obama White House would involve the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. and that the Black Panther case would be part of it.
Via Ulsterman:
Page 85 of the report indicates members of the Obama administration felt the DOJ should primarily focus on charges brought on behalfof minorities, not against them – in essence, an institutionally approved and promoted form of reverse racism. When some DOJ officials raised concerns over this, they were, according to the details of the report, subjected to intimidation and marginalization by their superiors within the Obama Justice Department. Primary among these examples was former Department attorney Christopher Coates, who testified to the commission that the DOJ had, “deep seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of white voters who had been discriminated against.” Shortly after raising concerns over the New Black Panther case having been dropped by the Department, Coates testified to the commission that his authority was systematically reduced and his concerns over the handling of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case ignored, ultimately leading to his resignation from the DOJ.That wording seems to imply that the decision to drop the case against the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) may reach all the way to the White House.
Another very important point raised focuses on the DOJ's reason for preventing the testimony of two attorneys, J. Christian Adams and Christopher Coates. They seemed to be arguing that executive privilege was being used but that would necessarily implicate the Obama administration, which denied any such charge. That left the DOJ exposed, unable to make any coherent argument in defense of its decision not to allow the testimony, which ultimately was given anyway.
HERE is a link to the entire final report, which doesn't yet include the Commissioner statements, which will be added later.
PJTV's Richard Pollack interview Commissioner Peter Kirsanow on November 22nd. Click HERE to view.
Read Ulsterman's report HERE.
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