As for Crowley.... Truly a public servant.

Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
"The complexity of events that led up to the Honduran crisis has given rise to questions regarding U.S. policy," Senator Richard Lugar, one of the Senate's most respected voices on foreign policy, wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.DeMint went a step further by informing Clinton of a potential consequence if clarity isn't provided:
Because of U.S. support for Zelaya, conservative Republican Senator Jim DeMint has threatened to delay a Senate vote on the nomination of Arturo Valenzuela to be assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, the senior diplomat in charge of Latin America at the State Department.Most telling about who's right and who's wrong in this is the Obama Administration's actions coupled with their silence and stonewalling when it comes to explaining them.
"I request that the Department provide interested Members a detailed clarification of the steps that it has taken, and intends to take, in response to the events that transpired in the run-up to and period after the forced removal of President Manuel Zelaya from Honduras," Lugar wrote to Clinton.
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While the Obama administration has vowed a new era of openness, department officials have refused to answer questions from Republican members of Congress on why the case was dismissed, claiming the information was "privileged, according to congressional correspondence with the department.Can you say, "Transparency"? Here's more...
Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican and a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee who has raised questions about the case, said he also was prevented from interviewing the front-line lawyers who brought the charges.
"Why am I being prevented from meeting with the trial team on this case? Mr. Wolf asked. "There are many questions that need to be answered. This whole thing just stinks to high heaven."
The department also has yet to provide any records sought by The Times under a Freedom of Information Act request filed in May seeking documents detailing the decision process. Department officials also declined to answer whether any outside groups had raised concerns about the case or pressured the department to drop it.As usual, "no comment" often equates to "no leg to stand on".. You mean like the NAACP inserting itself into the case before it was dropped?
Kristen Clarke, director of political participation at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in Washington, however, confirmed to The Times that she talked about the case with lawyers at the Justice Department..Isn't it all so interesting? I guess transparency is possible but it's not voluntarily given.
I think the best way we’re going to get single payer – the only way – is to have a public option demonstrate its strength and power.Mr. Obama, would you care to respond to that one?
It will keep government out of health care decisions, giving you the option to keep your (private) insurance if you’re happy with it.So how do they spin this disparity? One way might be to say that when you have two chronic liars, they cancel each other out and you get the truth.
State Department spokesman Ian Kelly confirmed at Tuesday's news briefing that four diplomatic visas had been revoked by the U.S. Kelly did not name names, but the deputy foreign minister of Honduras's de facto government confirmed that one of the visas belonged to Judge Jose Tomas Arita Valle, the chairman of the 16-member supreme court who signed the ruling ordering the detention of President Manuel Zelaya.Another name allegedly high on Zelaya's list for VISA revocation was General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez. Gee, I wonder why:
The Zelaya letter reportedly names officials against whom the ousted president wanted action taken, including General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, the head of the armed forces who was fired by Zelaya on June 25 for refusing to use the military to press forward with a referendum deemed illegal by the country's highest court.The Micheletti government is embarrassing Zelaya and Obama by exposing the truth. Their response appears to be the Latin American version of the Chicago Way.
Mr. Craig was the lawyer for Fidel Castro—er, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, the father of Elian Gonzalez—during Bill Clinton’s 2000 repatriation to Cuba of the seven-year-old. During the presidential campaign when Mr. Craig was advising Mr. Obama, the far-left Council on Hemispheric Affairs endorsed Mr. Craig as “the right man to revive deeply flawed U.S.-Latin America relations.” In other words, to pull policy left.CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE PIECE HERE.
There is plenty of speculation that Mr. Obama is making policy off of Mr. Craig’s “expertise.” It is not too much to believe. Indeed, if all policy is now being run out of the White House, as many observers contend, then the views of the White House counsel may explain a lot.
Hondurans might be more amenable to an Obama democracy lecture if the U.S. showed any interest in standing up to Mr. Chávez and his antidemocratic allies or any grasp of the dangers they present. Instead, since taking office in January the American president has embraced the region’s bad actors only to be subsequently embarrassed by revelations that his new “friends” are actually enemies of liberty and peace.Yesterday, I posted a link to a report on Fausta Blog that Honduran officials have accused Zelaya of taking FUNDING FROM FARC.
The announcement comes as the United States has been pressing for Honduras to allow the return of exiled President Manuel Zelaya.So Micheletti enumerates all the reasons why Zelaya was removed for breaking his country's Constitution and Obama responds by thumbing his nose at Micheletti by telling his country's diplomats that they're unwelcome in the United States.
QUESTION: And one – one other on Honduras. I’m well aware that the Legal Adviser’s Office was examining whether the events in Honduras technically met their definition of a coup and therefore would trigger the cutoff in aid that I realize you have already suspended.Did you catch that?
QUESTION: Have you yet reached a determination on that question?
MR. KELLY: I’ll have to get you an update on that.
...the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. "The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength."If true, this would take Obama's tendency to throw friends under the bus to a new low because of what he's done to his friend Henry Louis Gates for the "greater good".
Honduran authorities denounced on Monday the alleged financing by the FARC of deposed president Manuel Zelaya’s followers’ marches to the Nicaragua-Honduras border.I wonder if FARC also bought Zelaya's bullhorn he used on the Nicaraguan border with Honduras to raise his ruckus.
The seven men arrested—including a father and his two sons—were charged with providing material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure people overseas.Forgive my cynicism but haven't we learned from our experiences in how to handle terrorists.
The woman, identified in a police report on file in Cambridge District Court as 40-year-old Lucia Whalen, saw the backs of both men and did not know their race when she called 911, said Wendy J. Murphy, a Boston lawyer from New England School of Law. Whalen phoned police, Murphy said, because she was aware of recent break-ins in the area.In fact, according to Cambridge police Commissioner Robert C. Haas, not only was Walen unable to identify the men because their backs were to her but when pressed, she actually guessed that one of them was Hispanic.
In an interview at police headquarters last night, Haas said “it was very clear that she wasn’t sure’’ what the men’s race was. He also said that when the dispatcher questioned Whalen for more details, she told police she could only guess about the race of the two men. “She speculated . . . that one might be Hispanic.’’This reality should be easily verified by listening to the 911 tape.
•The Supreme Court, by a 15-0 vote, found that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally by proceeding with an unconstitutional “referendum,” and it ordered the Armed Forces to arrest him. The military executed the arrest order of the Supreme Court because it was the appropriate agency to do so under Honduran law.Has anyone noticed that Barack Obama isn't speaking out on the Honduras situation as much as he used to? His stance, and by extension, the stance of the United States is that Zelaya should be reinstated as president of Honduras. That position is becoming more and more untenable and when Barack Obama finds himself on the losing end of an argument, it's time for RULE #10 in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, which is:
•Eight of the 15 votes on the Supreme Court were cast by members of Mr. Zelaya’s own Liberal Party. Strange that the pro-Zelaya propagandists who talk about the rule of law forget to mention the unanimous Supreme Court decision with a majority from Mr. Zelaya’s own party. Thus, Mr. Zelaya’s arrest was at the instigation of Honduran’s constitutional and civilian authorities—not the military.
•The Honduran Congress voted overwhelmingly in support of removing Mr. Zelaya. The vote included a majority of members of Mr. Zelaya’s Liberal Party.
•Independent government and religious leaders and institutions—including the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the Administrative Law Tribunal, the independent Human Rights Ombudsman, four-out-of-five political parties, the two major presidential candidates of the Liberal and National Parties, and Honduras’s Catholic Cardinal—all agreed that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally.
•The constitution expressly states in Article 239 that any president who seeks to amend the constitution and extend his term is automatically disqualified and is no longer president. There is no express provision for an impeachment process in the Honduran constitution. But the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision affirmed that Mr. Zelaya was attempting to extend his term with his illegal referendum. Thus, at the time of his arrest he was no longer—as a matter of law, as far as the Supreme Court was concerned—president of Honduras.
•Days before his arrest, Mr. Zelaya had his chief of staff illegally withdraw millions of dollars in cash from the Central Bank of Honduras.
•A day or so before his arrest, Mr. Zelaya led a violent mob to overrun an Air Force base to seize referendum ballots that had been shipped into Honduras by Hugo Chávez’s Venezuelan government.
•I succeeded Mr. Zelaya under the Honduran constitution’s order of succession (our vice president had resigned before all of this began so that he could run for president). This is and has always been an entirely civilian government. The military was ordered by an entirely civilian Supreme Court to arrest Mr. Zelaya. His removal was ordered by an entirely civilian and elected Congress. To suggest that Mr. Zelaya was ousted by means of a military coup is demonstrably false.
Emails written by Home Office officials privately acknowledged the ban on Mr Savage would provide 'balance' to a list dominated by Muslims - and linked the decision to Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband.Check out the entire article here.
One message, sent by an unidentified Home Office official on November 27 last year, said that 'with (Savage), I can understand that disclosure of the decision would help provide a balance of types of exclusion cases'.
A further email confirmed the decision was approved at the highest level of Government, saying: 'HO [Home Office] intend to include (Savage) in their quarterly stats... Both the FS [Foreign Secretary] and PM [Prime Minister] are firmly behind listing and naming such people.'Prime Minister? That would be the Obama sycophant, Gordon Brown, would it not?
International leaders had urged Zelaya not to go home without an agreement out of fear it would lead to bloodshed. Zelaya had said he had no choice after U.S.-backed talks with his ousters failed to reinstate him.Zelaya obviously considered it worthwhile to stick his tongue out at Micheletti by taking a few steps into Honduras despite the potential consequences of bloodshed.
...the United States and Latin American leaders are insisting that Zelaya be reinstated.Full speed ahead, right Mr. Obama?
The crisis is seen as a diplomatic test for U.S. President Barack Obama as he seeks to improve relations with Latin America, where a growing bloc of leftist leaders that includes Zelaya has challenged Washington's influence in recent years.
Obama's administration has condemned the coup, cut $16.5 million in military aid and threatened to slash economic aid.
In January, about when the Globe began asking local officials about Obama's time at Harvard, including any violations of local laws, someone representing the senator called the parking office to inquire about the decades-old tickets.
Clippinger said her records show that Obama received the tickets between Oct. 5, 1988, and Jan. 12, 1990, for violations including parking in a resident-only area, blocking a bus stop, and failing to put money in meters.Here is the entire Boston Globe article. Does anyone think Obama is willing to go public with his thoughts on these tickets?
The back cover of al-Mansour's 1982 book "The Destruction of Western Civilization as Seen Through Islam, Christianity and Judaism" specifies al-Mansour received a degree from Harvard, where he majored in philosophy and logic, and a law degree from the University of California at also is a Black Liberation Theology advocate (think Jeremiah Wright).
“Thank you very much, Richard, and I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the MOTHER SHIP in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.”Quick! Check out the video over at NewsBusters before CFR has it erased and calls MIB.