Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry Endorsed Hillary Care in 1993

It would seem Mitt Romney has a new weapon in his battle with Rick Perry. In particular, whenever the Texas Governor decides he wants to score some points by attacking his opponent for RomneyCare in Massachusetts, he needs to be ready to defend his endorsement of HillaryCare in 1993. Both are practically mirror-images of ObamaCare. What people need to understand about Perry is that he is long on rhetoric and short on conservatism as a guiding principle. He's following Donald Trump's playbook but he might just meet the same fizzling-out fate if these things continue to surface.

Via Daily Caller:
Texas Governor Rick Perry has been among the most vocal critics of President Obama’s health care reform initiative, and of Mitt Romney’s preceding health care program in Massachusetts. But in 1993, while serving as Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Perry praised the efforts of then-first lady Hillary Clinton to reform health care, a precursor to Obama’s health care reform efforts.

In a letter to Clinton, who is now U.S. Secretary of State, Perry wrote: “I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.”

“I would like to request that the task force give particular consideration to the needs of the nation’s farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities,” Perry continued, noting his administration’s focus on economic development for rural Texans. “Rural populations have a high proportion of uninsured people, rising health care costs, and often experience lack of services.”

“Again, your efforts are worthy,” Perry concluded, ”and I hope you will remember this constituency as the task force progresses.”
Conservative voters are being fooled by this guy's rhetoric. In 2001, Perry signed hate crimes legislation; in 2007, he signed an Executive Order mandating all 4th Grade girls be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease; he was Al Gore's campaign manager; he supported the Trans-Texas corridor; and now this.

Read it all.

DOJ Throws Three to the Wolves in Fast and Furious Scandal

ATF Director Kenneth Melson may not have been thrown completely under the bus but he has given up his cushy seat for the storage compartment below. The thinking is likely that by demoting him, they will be able to keep him quiet while appearing to punish him for his involvement. Melson, if you remember, went against DOJ's wishes when he and his personal attorneys met with Oversight Committee investigators on July 4th. US Attorney for Arizona Dennis Burke has resigned, making his case particularly interesting. Other than threats of bodily harm and similar types of intimidation, he really has nothing preventing him from spilling more beans. Asst US Attorney in Phoenix, Emory Hurley, has been re-assigned and is sharing the storage compartment with Melson.

Burke's situation seems to be the most intriguing because if he continues to cooperate with Issa and Grassley, he's more likely than Melson or Hurley to give the unvarnished truth. Interestingly, Burke has already spoken with congressional investigators and the session got cut short because he got physically ill.

Via Fox Nation:
Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson has been reassigned to a lesser post in the Justice Department and the U.S. attorney for Arizona was also pushed out Tuesday as fallout from Operation Fast and Furious reached new heights.

Melson's step down from his role as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to the position of senior adviser on forensic science in the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Programs is effective by close of business Tuesday, administration officials announced. U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones will replace Melson.

U.S. Attorney for Arizona Dennis Burke, one of the officials closely tied to Fast and Furious, is also a casualty in a shakeup tied to the botched gun-running program. Burke was on the hot seat last week with congressional investigators and, according to several sources, got physically sick during questioning and could not finish his session.
I would love to know if Burke's weak stomach had anything to do with him going completely under the bus instead of meeting up with Melson and Hurley above the wheels below.

This shake-up has all the earmarks of the DOJ offering three players in the scandal to Issa and Grassley as sacrificial lambs. Not only is it unlikely to work, it may have made things worse for Attorney General Holder and this administration. That said, it may have been the best of several bad options for the Justice Department. While appearing on Greta, Issa was visibly disturbed by this latest trick by Holder's DOJ, saying he knows he is 'being gamed' by the DOJ.

Via Hapblog:

Statement from Issa's office that showed up in my in-box:
Issa Statement on Resignation of Arizona U.S. Attorney, Reassignment of ATF Director

(WASHINGTON) House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today released the following statement regarding Department of Justice personnel changes involving Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley:

“While the reckless disregard for safety that took place in Operation Fast and Furious certainly merits changes within the Department of Justice, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee will continue its investigation to ensure that blame isn’t offloaded on just a few individuals for a matter that involved much higher levels of the Justice Department. There are still many questions to be answered about what happened in Operation Fast and Furious and who else bears responsibility, but these changes are warranted and offer an opportunity for the Justice Department to explain the role other officials and offices played in the infamous efforts to allow weapons to flow to Mexican drug cartels. I also remain very concerned by Acting Director Melson’s statement that the Department of Justice is managing its response in a manner intended to protect its political appointees. Senator Grassley and I will continue to press the Department of Justice for answers in order to ensure that a reckless effort like Fast and Furious does not take place again.”
Looks like if Holder & Company were hoping for some heat to be taken off with these latest moves, they were sadly mistaken.

Here's another video report from Fox News about the resignations, h/t Sipsey Street:

Texas Abortion Law: Another Federal Judge Mysteriously Does Obama's Bidding

Just yesterday, I posted that another Federal judge struck down another state's immigration law - in Alabama. The immigration laws in Arizona, Utah, Georgia, and Indiana suffered similar fates. Now, we can throw Texas into the mix as a state that has seen one of its laws struck down by a Federal judge. Though it's not an immigration law, it's just as politically charged; it's a Sonogram Law. In essence, the law required doctors (abortionists) to perform a sonogram before performing an abortion. Coincidentally, just before the law was to take effect, Judge Sam Sparks pulled the rug out.

Wait until you see the logic behind the decision; it has to do with the first amendment.

Via the AP:
A federal judge on Tuesday blocked key provisions of Texas' new law requiring a doctor to perform a sonogram before an abortion, ruling the measure violates the free speech rights of both doctors and patients.

U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks upheld the requirement that sonograms be performed, but struck down the provisions requiring doctors to describe the images to their patients and requiring women to hear the descriptions.

The law made exceptions for women who were willing to sign statements saying they were pregnant as a result of rape or incest or that their fetus had an irreversible abnormality. Sparks questioned whether the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature was trying to "permanently brand" women who are victims of sexual assault.

The law — one of dozens of anti-abortion measures that advanced through state capitals across the United States this year — takes effect Thursday. The New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights had sued to block it.
Keep reading because Sparks even argues that forcing doctors to perform sonograms forces them to push an ideological agenda with which they may not agree.

Aside from the fact that an organization from one state (New York) can successfully sue another state (Texas) over the legality of its own laws is absurd, it's mighty interesting how Federal judges across the land continue to do the bidding of this president when it comes to state legislatures.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Video: CAIR vs. 9/11 Coloring Book Publisher, Round 2

Last week, we learned that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) objected to a 9/11 coloring book that portrayed the September 11th hijackers as Muslim. Despite the fact that they WERE Muslim, CAIR's Executive Director for Michigan, Dawud Walid called the coloring book 'disgusting.' As the controversy garnered more exposure, Wayne Bell, the publisher of the coloring book debated Walid on CNN's headline news. The best line of this clip comes from Bell, who called Osama bin Laden a 'devil worshipper.' That appeared to get Walid's dander up. It looked like he was going to take 'great exception' to something Bell said but unfortunately, Bell continued talking when he may have been better served to let Walid show his true colors.

It's unusual for CAIR to agree to debate opposition guests so this is a bit of an exception; it's also a fight CAIR would probably be better served not to engage in. A depiction of 9/11 hijackers as Muslim is not a reach. It's a fact.

At one point, Walid actually invokes the name of Dr. Seuss to make his point that cartoons have a history of being discriminatory against minorities. Yeah, that Dr. Seuss.

If you'd like to get caught up on the story before watching the debate, click HERE.

Via Big Peace, h/t Jawa:

Another Federal Judge Blocks Another State's Immigration Law

After the state of Arizona passed its anti-illegal immigration bill, SB 1070 last year, Federal judge Susan Bolton blocked its full implementation by de-fanging the law's most important components. The law has wallowed in limbo ever since. When the state of Oklahoma passed a ballot measure last year that banned the implementation of Sharia law, a Federal judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange issued a permanent injunction that prevented its implementation, despited voters' support for the measure by 70%. Now, another Federal judge has decided to put a halt on another state's immigration law.

Via the AP:
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- A federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of Alabama's new law cracking down on illegal immigration, ruling Monday that she needed more time to decide whether the law opposed by the Obama administration, church leaders and immigrant-rights groups is constitutional.

The brief order by U.S. District Judge Sharon L. Blackburn means the law - which opponents and supporters alike have called the toughest in the nation - won't take effect as scheduled on Thursday. The ruling was cheered both by Republican leaders who were pleased the judge didn't gut the law and by opponents who compare it to old Jim Crow-era statutes against racial integration.

Blackburn didn't address whether the law is constitutional, and she could still let all or parts of the law take effect later. Instead, she said she needed more time to consider lawsuits filed by the Justice Department, private groups and individuals that claim the state is overstepping its bounds.

The judge said she will issue a longer ruling by Sept. 28, and her temporary order will remain in effect until the day after. She heard arguments from the Justice Department and others during a daylong hearing last week.

Similar laws have been passed in Arizona, Utah, Indiana and Georgia. Federal judges already have blocked all or parts of the laws in those states.
As the Federal government continues to magically find judges all over the country to do their bidding, shouldn't it call into question the allegiance of these judges? From the Declaration of Independence:
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
It'd really be nice to see governors across the country unite against this type of tyranny.

h/t Free Republic

Video: Fox's Brian Kilmeade Challenges Jon Huntsman on Global Warming Stance

Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is a RINO and probably the most liberal Republican in the race. He has almost no presence and appears like a figment of a candidate on the debate stage. He's got an establishment pedigree that goes back decades, which should at least warrant serious questions about his loyalties to it. He's also a believer in Al Gore's junk science known as man-made climate change. Here, Fox's Brian Kilmeade takes exception to Huntsman's claim that 'climate change has an established body of science associated with it.'

Kilmeade obviously hit Huntsman with a level of rejection for that notion that the former Utah governor wasn't expecting. Huntsman was not prepared to address Kilmeade's assertion that the entire movement consists of serious corruption so he attempted to dismiss that as a significant reality in light of his belief in climate change. He deflected and then told Kilmeade we have to get serious about the larger picture. Part of Kilmeade's answer included, 'tell the scientists to get serious and stop making things up.'

Via Daily Caller:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Why the 9/11 Truthers Love Ron Paul

If Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) ever admitted to being a 9/11 truther himself, his presidential goose would officially be cooked. I'm not postulating that he believes that the United States brought down the World Trade Center towers but a significant contingent of his followers believe that. In fact, this weekend, Paul seemed to meet the truthers half way by blaming the United States for the attacks. Truthers LOVE that kinda talk. It's their red meat and it's eerily similar to liberal groupthink.

Via the Des Moines Register:
Two weeks away from the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul says that U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a main motivation behind terrorist hostilities toward America, and that Islam is not a threat to the nation.

At a campaign stop on Saturday in Winterset, one man asked Paul how terrorist groups would react if the U.S. removed its military presence in Middle Eastern nations, a move the candidate advocates.

“Which enemy are you worried that will attack our national security?” Paul asked.

“If you’re looking for specifics, I’m talking about Islam. Radical Islam,” the man answered.

“I don’t see Islam as our enemy,” Paul said. “I see that motivation is occupation and those who hate us and would like to kill us, they are motivated by our invasion of their land, the support of their dictators that they hate.”
I've never looked into Paul's take on whether World War I was justified but the reason the Muslim Brotherhood wants to destroy western civilization has nothing to do with our foreign activities in Muslim lands; it has everything to do with reestablishing the Islamic caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire that the US helped to dismantle after the first World War.

On domestic policy, Ron Paul is Jekyll. On foreign policy, he is Hyde and the Truthers LOVE that 'Hyde side.'

h/t GWP

Video: MLK's Daughter Channels Archie Bunker's recollection of who Signed Declaration of Independence

While on-hand at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. during the commemoration of a Chinese-made statue dedicated to her father, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s daughter, Bernice King appeared to know as much about American history as the Mao-loving sculptor responsible for the statue. While appearing to compare the MLK statue with that of Lincoln's, Bernice said that Lincoln was remembered for signing the Declaration of Independence. Uh, not unless he discovered a time machine first.

It reminded me of an Archie Bunker quote from an episode in which he was conversing with George Jefferson:
Hold it, hold it, Jefferson. I don't go around signing political documentaries just like that, ya know. Even Abe Lincoln, smart as he was, he read the Declaration of Independence before putting his John Hancock on it.
Oh, the irony.

Nearly a year ago, I wrote about why I have a problem with this statue. Aside from the fact that it was made in China by a sculptor of Mao statues, it portrays MLK as angry, with a furrowed brow and crossed arms. While we're on the subject of MLK and American presidents, I also wrote about the King family lawsuit that found James Earl Ray innocent of their father's death. Who'd they find guilty? Uh, well, operatives in a Democrat administration.

Anyway, here is Bernice King misremembering what Lincoln is remembered for:

h/t Breitbart

Ground Zero Imam Takes off the Mask, Calls for Sharia Law in the US

Last year, Ground Zero mosque imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf had to do everything possible to portray his proposed mosque as a place for 'interfaith dialogue' and himself as 'moderate.' Ground Zero became the epicenter of controversy when Americans finally stood up and said 'no.' Rauf ultimately stepped down from his post at the head of the Cordoba Initiative, a name that is inherently incendiary. Former Muslim Brotherhood activist Walid Shoebat translated Rauf's Arabic and determined that the imam was not the man he was being portrayed as. Now, as if we needed it, here is more proof straight from Rauf's mouth. He's calling for Sharia Law in the US and the UK.

From the Scotland Herald via Atlas Shrugs:
AMERICA’S most controversial imam – the man at the centre of the storm over plans for the “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York last year – flew into Edinburgh yesterday to tell the Festival of Spirituality and Peace that greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States as well as Muslims adopting the culture of their host countries.

Many see Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as an Islamic moderate even though he has been vilified in the US press as an apologist for radical Muslims. In an interview with the Sunday Herald, Rauf said he believes the world is in the grip of a “dangerous myth” and “self-fulfilling prophecy” that “Islam and the West are at war. But the real battleground is not between Islam and the West, but between the wise, fair-minded people of all faith traditions and the extremists.”

Although he is a pro-US imam who has argued that America is the embodiment of Islam’s ideal society, Rauf became a hate figure in the US over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. The plan offended relatives of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and led to a US pastor proposing a “Burn a Koran day”.
As if that weren't enough, while visiting Scotland, Rauf expressed his support for the decision to release the Lockerbie bomber.

Via the UK's Milngavie Herald:
An American Muslim leader who spearheaded plans for a controversial Islamic community centre near the site of the World Trade Centre has supported the decision to ban a far-right group from marching in Scotland on the eve of 9/11.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, whose proposed Park51 Islamic community centre was dubbed a "megamosque" by critics who objected to its proximity to New York's 'Ground Zero', has given a talk in Scotland's capital.

He was invited to speak at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace by Edinburgh University's Prince Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam.

Imam Feisal added that he supported the Scottish Government's decision to release Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Libyan Muslim who is the only man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, but he would have been equally supportive if they had decided to keep him in prison.

He said: "I am not a Scotsman so I don't have the jurisdiction to comment, but if the government of Scotland deem that it is in its best interests to do something then it is up to them, but I would have supported their decision either way."
Shoebat translated and posted Rauf's words in Arabic over one year ago that proved this imam's true intentions. Now, Rauf himself is bolstering Shoebat's credibility.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

FBI Agent Insists Muslim Brotherhood has Infiltrated White House

I have long maintained that the worst thing George W. Bush did after 9/11 was embrace CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood linked groups. In so doing, he validated groups like the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA), North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), and many others instead of identifying any and all groups linked to the Brotherhood as enemies of the United States.

Via WND:
Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama's ties to agents for the Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive.

"The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep," he said. "For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then."

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to "destroy" the U.S. and other Western governments "from within."

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change "from within" includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

President Obama's top Muslim ambassador, Rashad Hussain, has raised suspicions. He is U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a powerful international group headquartered in Saudi Arabia and closely aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Before first joining the White House as a lawyer, Hussain regularly spoke to Brotherhood front groups and defended Brotherhood leaders like Sami al-Arian. Hussain at first denied defending the convicted terrorist, claiming he was misquoted, but then recanted after produced a tape-recording of his remarks.

Recently, he has been overseas encouraging devotion to Islam, including in terror hotspots like Afghanistan.

In fact, Hussain has told Afghans the antidote to Islamic violence "is Islam itself."
This article mentions several names of people inside this administration with Brotherhood connections but leaves out Hillary Clinton's closest adviser, Huma Abedin, who has been proven to have familial ties to the group.

Read it all.

Video: Al Gore Equates Climate Change Skeptics to Racists

Whenever a liar accuses others of lying, you can lay money that those accused of lying are usually telling the truth. In this case, Al Gore is calling man-made climate change deniers liars and racists. All you need to do is take note of who Al Gore points to as being the example he uses to describe racist behavior and attitudes. Somehow, he equates Bull Connor opening fire hoses on blacks in the south in 1960's with those who question man-made global warming. So anyone who was against the civil rights legislation in 1964 was a racist on par with those who don't by Al's climate change garbage.

Not only is the fact that Bull Connor was a Democrat lost on Gore, so apparently, is the fact that his father - Al Gore, Sr. - voted against the civil rights act as a Senator. Yes, Al Sr. was a Democrat too.

Via Breitbart:

Video: TV Reporter Gets into Sewage Washed up on Beach by Hurricane

Ah, the curiosity and common sense of a child. WTTG reporter Tucker Barnes decided to get into an unidentifiable heavy foam that was washing up on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD for a live news report. As he and two news anchors marveled at what the foam could possibly be, Barnes made reference to it smelling terrible and not tasting very good. Uh, apparently that's because the foam is a mix of raw sewage and toxic bacteria. Video of the news report below.

As a postscript, if you ever find yourself in a situation where a reporter, armed with nothing more than a microphone tells you it's not safe for you to be where he is, just mention the name Tucker Barnes and tell him to leave you alone.

Via New York's Fox affiliate:
MYFOXNY.COM - A local news reporter from Washington, D.C. ended up getting covered in what is probably the remnants of raw sewage as he delivered live hurricane reports from Ocean City, Md.

WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates for stations around the country as a wall of what he described as sea foam poured over him.

Barnes was on the boardwalk as Hurricane Irene hit the coast of Maryland. He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material. That "organic material" was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm.

"It doesn't taste great," he said.

He said it had a sandy consistency and added, "I can tell you first-hand, it doesn't smell great." The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria.
Don't you just love it when reporters call members of the general public stupid for doing far less than this?

Reporter Gives Update Covered In Sea Foam:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Don't Look Now but Rep. Darrell Issa is Taking the New York Times to the Woodshed

When New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau submitted his final version of the article published with the intent of smearing Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight on Government Reform committee, it wouldn't actually be his final version. Issa's office maintains that the August 15th article had 13 factual errors in it and has been on offense ever since. The initial demand for a complete retraction seemed to be a bit much to ask but thanks to three official corrections to the article, a retraction may not be too far off. All you need to know is that Lichtblau appears to have relied on the work of a Think Progress writer for most of his material. Think Progress is a George Soros-funded group.

Last week, I posted Issa's smack down of the Times, which chronicled all 13 errors. The first correction in Lichtblau's article afforded the Times some plausible deniability due to an 'honest' mistake. Instead of writing that Issa's holding company consisted of several 'multi-million dollar companies,' the original article said, 'multi-billion dollar companies.' Based on the latest two official corrections from the Times, that plausible deniability is dissipating quickly. Another one of Lichtblau's claims, that Issa's office overlooks a golf course has already been debunked with video. Even the POLITICO reported on this.

Now, when you go to Lichtblau's article, it consists of three official corrections at the bottom of the article. Courtesy of an email from Issa's office, I was made aware of these latest corrections:
Correction: August 16, 2011

An article on Monday about the business empire of Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, misstated the worth of the companies involved in his splitting up of a holding company. The split entailed separate multimillion-dollar companies, not multibillion-dollar ones.

Correction: August 26, 2011

An article on Aug. 15 about Representative Darrell Issa’s business dealings, using erroneous information that Mr. Issa’s family foundation filed with the Internal Revenue Service, referred incorrectly to his sale of an AIM mutual fund in 2008. A spokesman for the California Republican now says that the I.R.S. filing is “an incorrect document.” The spokesman, Frederick R. Hill, said that based on Mr. Issa’s private brokerage account records, which he made public with redactions, the purchase of the mutual fund resulted in a $125,000 loss, not a $357,000 gain.

And the article, using incorrect information from the San Diego county assessor’s office, misstated the purchase price for a medical office plaza Mr. Issa’s company bought in Vista, Calif., in 2008. It cost $16.3 million, the assessor’s office now says — not $10.3 million — because the assessor mistakenly omitted in public records a $6 million loan Mr. Issa’s company assumed in the acquisition. Therefore the value of the property remained essentially unchanged, and did not rise 60 percent after Mr. Issa secured federal funding to widen a road alongside the plaza.
Of course, the argument that the New York Times is state-run is only bolstered by the fact that Lichtblau's story appears to have been lifted from Think Progress and falsely reported as fact. The Obama administration does technically have a motive when it comes to the smearing of Issa; the Oversight committee chairman is getting extremely close to the truth about Operation Fast & Furious.

Even the POLITICO's Mike Allen conceded that Issa's office doesn't overlook a golf course. Yet, the New York Times is sticking by that particular claim, despite this video recorded from both inside and outside Issa's office, which catches Lichtblau's hand inside a fourth cookie jar:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Video: CAIR has Problem with Coloring Book Depicting 9/11 Attackers as Muslims

This news report comes from ABC's Detroit affiliate, WXYZ and demonstrates clearly that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) wants Americans to forget who attacked us on 9/11. A company named Really Big Coloring Books published a coloring book that depicted what happened on 9/11. It is for kids ages 5 and up. In it, the attackers are depicted as - are you ready for this - Muslim Jihadists. Predictably, CAIR has a problem, as you'll see in the news report. One other thing to take note of is the reaction of one of the anchors at the end of the report. She seems to agree with CAIR, which makes her a candidate for dhimmitude.

Meanwhile, the publisher of the coloring book - Wayne Bell - made a video in which he explains what he was doing. CLICK HERE to purchase your copy of the coloring book.

More at Jawa.

Christmas Day Underwear Bomber says he should be Released because Sharia Law says so

Those who don't understand the 'pushing the envelope' metaphor will never understand 'creeping Sharia' despite it smacking them in the face on a daily basis. In the latest example, the would-be terrorist responsible for giving us full-body scans and TSA groping, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is claiming that he should be released according to Sharia law, which allows the killing of infidels. Those who scoff at such an absurd notion miss the point. Simply put, this is an extreme example of what's happening on a daily basis in this country.

h/t Zillablog, via Detroit Free Press:
The so-called underwear bomber charged with trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner is arguing for his prison release, claiming wrongful imprisonment by the American government.

In a handwritten court document filed today, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 24, asked the court to release him from prison, arguing that "all Muslims should only be ruled by the law of the Quran."

"The defendant is being unjustly detained in the Unites States of American, and subjected to the Rule of Man," wrote Abdulmutallab, adding he should "only be judged and ruled by the law of the Quran."

In a separate, handwritten court filing, the Nigerian national also wrote that "excessive force" was used to restrain him on Wednesday while he was in his closed cell, during the "holy month of Ramadan." He wrote that between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., "in defense of Muhammad," he assaulted several officers from his cell, and that as a result, "excessive force" was used to restrain him.
Instead of the Islamic apologists dismissing this guy's contentions, how about if they start reading Sharia law to see if he has a case? If yes, why are judges across the US striking down the will of the people in states like Oklahoma, who voted to ban Sharia law?

h/t Jihad Watch

How much does Team Bush Despise Sarah Palin?

We already know that the left in general and the Obama administration in particular can't stand Sarah Palin but what about the members of the administration and family that gave us Obama in the first place? If you ask any Tea Partier their take on George W. Bush, odds are that you'll get a concession that the out of control government spending started with his administration. The legacy of Bush 43 is not aging very well with most Americans. His aversion to enforcing immigration laws and veto pens when it came to spending bills only soured folks who now make up the Tea Party. That's why when I see someone like Karl Rove go after Sarah Palin, it should be perceived as a feather in her cap and a reason to support her if she gets in.

Team Bush does not like this woman and that's almost reason enough to vote for her. We've got to overturn the establishment culture in Washington and if there is anyone with a record of not only standing up to but defeating the establishment, it's Sarah Palin. Besides, any candidate - assuming that Palin will get in - that is despised by the members of both of the last two administrations may just be the right person for the job.

Here is Karl Rove on Greta revealing his unmasked disdain for Palin by calling her 'Thin-skinned' multiple times. I'm sorry, but no political figure or candidate has been more skewered by the mainstream media than Sarah Palin. In my view, Palin is anything but thin-skinned. On the contrary, there appears a bit of 'thou doth protest too much' from Rove here.

While we're at it, remember this from November of 2010? George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara were interviewed by Larry King. Bush, the elder, admitted to being confused about the Tea Party and Barbara said she hoped Palin would stay in Alaska.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is Mayor Bloomberg an Agent for Muslim Brotherhood?

Based on the track record of New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, I am all but convinced that the answer to the title of this post is a resounding yes. In 2009, Bloomberg met with an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing; before the Times Square bomber was caught, he suggested that the would-be bomber was a Tea Partier angry with Obamacare; last year, Bloomberg was among the staunchest of advocates for the Ground Zero mosque.

Now this, from WSJ via Fox Nation:
Religious leaders are calling on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to reverse course and offer clergy a role in the ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

Rudy Washington, a deputy mayor in former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's administration, said he's outraged. Mr. Washington organized an interfaith ceremony at Yankee Stadium shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

"This is America, and to have a memorial service where there's no prayer, this appears to be insanity to me," said Mr. Washington, who has suffered severe medical problems connected to the time he spent at Ground Zero. "I feel like America has lost its way."

City Hall officials, who are coordinating the ceremony, confirmed that spiritual leaders will not participate this year—just as has been the case during past events marking the anniversary. The mayor has said he wants the upcoming event to strike a similar tone as previous ceremonies.

City Council Member Fernando Cabrera, a pastor at New Life Outreach International, a Bronx church, said he is "utterly disappointed" and "shocked" by the event's absence of clergy. When the terrorist attacks occurred, people in the city and nationwide turned to spiritual leaders for guidance, he said.

"This is one of the pillars that carried us through," he said, referring to religious leaders. "They were the spiritual and emotional backbone, and when you have a situation where people are trying to find meaning, where something is bigger than them, when you have a crisis of this level, they often look to the clergy."

Mr. Cabrera described the religious leaders' exclusion as "wiping out the recognition of the importance that spirituality plays on that day."

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis and one of the participants in the September 2001 interfaith ceremony at Yankee Stadium, said it would be difficult to include all faiths in the ceremony.

"I understand the feelings," he said. "[But] I don't know how we make it possible for everyone to have a place at the table."
Contrast Bloomberg's intransigence with regard to allowing clergy to attend the 10-year memorial ceremony for 9/11 with his intransigence relative to 70% of Americans who do not want the Ground Zero mosque built in the shadow of where the twin towers once stood. Bloomberg continues to support the right of the Islamist-connected Cordoba Initiative and imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, to build the Ground Zero mosque.

Bloomberg is a turncoat. The only question that is left to be answered is why?

h/t GWP

More Arab Spring Fruit in Egypt - Israeli Ambassador Threatened with Death unless he Leaves

Remember, the mainstream media in the United States was instrumental in the success of the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. As such, the violent sexual assault of CBS reporter Lara Logan is on their hands; the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is on their plate; and the subsequent threats to Israel falls in their lap too. It is beyond inexplicable that our media - to include much of the conservative media - does not seem to grasp the Muslim Brotherhood threat to the world.

Islamic protesters in front of the Israeli embassy in Cairo are carrying signs of swastikas with the words, 'the gas chambers are ready.' Now we have the Brotherhood threatening to kill Israeli's ambassador to Egypt unless he leaves the country.

Via INN:
The Muslim Brotherhood has threatend to kill Israel's ambassador to Cairo if he does not leave the country. The radical Muslim group has been leading daily protests at the Israeli embassy in Cairo, demanding the expulsion of the envoy and a break in relations between Egypt and Israel.

Hundreds of demonstrators surrounded the embassy Monday as armored military and police officers prevented them from repeating Saturday night’s incident when rioters broke down the gate. One firebomb smashed through a front window of the embassy’s office.

One anti-Zionist, now referred to as ”Spiderman,” became an instant hero throughout Egypt by scaling the multi-story wall and replacing the Israeli flag with one of Egypt. The Israeli flag was burned.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media is absent on this story. I'm sorry to say that the media in the United States has become as anti-Semitic as Europe did before WWII.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Video: 2008 Obama Declares 2011 Obama Unpatriotic

In 2008, while on the campaign trail in Fargo, ND, Barack Obama pointed to George W. Bush's record on the accumulation of debt over his eight years. Though it was clearly a stain on the Bush presidency, the interesting part about this clip is that Obama is on track to blow the Bush record out of the water. Based on the standard Obama set in this clip, he is worse than unpatriotic.

Paging mainstream media, paging mainstream media:

h/t Hot Air

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Video: Krauthammer's Ignorance over Libya

Look, Charles Krauthammer is a very intelligent guy but to say the overthrow of Gadhafi in Libya is a major success for the United States simply shows his ignorance relative to the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, if the Brotherhood has deceived someone like Krauthammer to this extent, they're more successful at stealth jihad than I thought. Gadhafi is a very bad guy. I get it. He's responsible for acts of war against the United States. His removal was tempting but you don't remove a Castro if he's going to be replaced by a Hitler.

Here is Krauthammer expressing his very misguided view via Daily Caller:

The Muslim Brotherhood is on the move all over the Middle East and make no mistake, they will end up ruling Libya in the near future; they will take Tunisia, Egypt, and likely Syira, along with any other country in the region that falls. Once they do that, borders will become irrelevant and their power will only increase. Turkey is loving every second of it because that is where the power center will end up.

I am simply shocked by how out of touch otherwise very intelligent people are when it comes to the threats on our horizon.

More at DC

Jeb 'RINO' Bush Shows us why he Ain't the Guy

RINOism appears to run in the Bush family. George H.W. liked that 'New World Order' rhetoric, George W. refused to stop spending, ingratiated himself with Muslim Brotherhood groups, and refused to deal with our illegal immigration problem, and Jeb is now telling Republican nominees not to go after Obama too hard. Obviously, oblivious to the sentiment in America, Jeb must have absolutely NO interest in getting into the race. Typical establishment guy who doesn't understand that the ground has shifted (literally and figuratively) in DC.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush warned the Republican presidential hopefuls against ideological intransigence and knee-jerk opposition to President Barack Obama on Tuesday, saying they risk turning off middle-of-the-road voters.

Asked by Fox News host Neil Cavuto if some Republicans go too far in their criticism of Obama, Bush said flatly, “I do. I think when you start ascribing bad motives to the guy, that’s wrong. It turns off people who want solutions.

“It’s fine to criticize him, that’s politics,” said Bush, the younger brother of former President George W. Bush, who again reiterated that he won’t run for president himself. “But just to stop there isn’t enough. You have to win with ideas, you have to win with policies. … He’s made a situation that was bad worse. He’s deserving of criticism for that. He’s not deserving of criticism for the common cold on up.”

“If you’re a conservative, you have to persuade. You can’t just be against the president,” he added.

Breaking with the GOP field, Bush said he’d be willing to accept new revenues as part of a deficit-reduction package.

“I think the problems are so severe in this country that leadership is required to find common ground and solutions,” he said.
I'm just flat out tired of RINOs who lecture the Tea Party on ideological intransigence. Jeb, are you truly that blind to what Obama is doing to the country?

Uh, as for Jeb's take that we should raise taxes, would it be intransigent of me to tell Jeb to go pound sand?

h/t Weasel Zippers

Videos: Frederica Wilson says Tea Party the 'Real Enemy,' blames Unemployment on Racism

On Monday, August 22nd, Congressional Black Caucus member and Democrat Rep. from Florida, Frederica Wilson attended a town hall meeting in Miami that was to be followed on day later by a job fair sponsored by the CBC. At the town hall, Wilson apparently took a cue from fellow CBC member, Maxine Waters (D-CA), who told a crowd in Inglewood, CA that the 'Tea Party can go straight to hell.' Here, in this clip, Wilson took the baton and referred to the Tea Party as the 'real enemy.' Why? Because it wants to make Obama a 'one term president.' The irony is priceless. Instead of blaming the Tea Party for why there was a need for a CBC job fair in the first place, why not look to the president, whose policies are the reason for it? By the way, since Frederica is wearing a red hat, is she racist against other colors for hats?

Then, while appearing on MSNBC, Ms. Wilson continued the racist rhetoric. She identified the reason for unemployment in the black community as being the result of "racism." She also donned that red hat again, which really raises suspicions about her racist tendency when it comes to the color red.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nazis Surface in Egypt, Threaten Israeli Embassy

Alternate headlines: Nazis Surface in Egypt posed as Islamists; Islamists Surface in Egypt posed as Nazis; Islamists who share Nazis Hatred for the Jews, Channel Hitler's henchmen outside Israeli Embassy. You get the point. The story is that Islamists in Egypt are organizing outside the Israeli embassy with swastikas and signs telling those inside that 'the gas chambers are ready.' I don't know how much evidence or how many examples we need in order to wake people up to the Islamic threat and what it really is. For crying out loud, the Obama administration and by extension - the United States - is helping the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power in the Middle East.

Footage of Egyptians Demonstrating opposite Israeli Embassy in Cairo Showing Sign with Swastika Saying "The Gas Chambers Are Ready" Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - August 21, 2011 - 01:14

More at Atlas Shrugs:
More of the putrid, fetid blossoms of the Obama supported Islamic spring. Of course, we knew this. Atlas called it as soon as the Muslim Brotherhood revolution began to unfold began in January. The Islamic supremacists and their leftwing useful idiots couldn't wait to oust the first (and only) Muslim country to sign a peace accord with Israel. Mubarak, America's most reliable Muslim ally for 30 years, was thrown under the bus by the Muslim Brotherhood stooge in the White House. Has the leftwing media who propagandized this horror as all sweetness and light corrected the record? Are they capable of picking up a bucket of water and making even so much as a feeble attempt to help put the fire that they helped start and spread? These moral cowards are incapable of humanity.
Why is this such a surprise to so many? The disgusting magic of the devil is that he deceives while leaving very clear signs all along the way that he's doing it.

For example, TTCTT

Hamas Congratulates Libyan Rebels... In Arabic

Well, well. It looks like Hamas is one group that is thrilled with the overthrow of Muammar Gadhafi. A poster on Free Republic is reporting that on Al Jazeera's Arabic site, there is a ticker in Arabic that, when translated, expresses congratulations on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood group (Hamas) for the rebels' overthrow of Tripoli. Couple this bit of news with the revelation that the new 'Draft Constitution' includes Sharia Law in the foundation of a new Libyan government and we continue to see that the Obama administration is furthering the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that wants to destroy the United States from within (per its own internal documents).

The translation of the ticker, via Free Republic:
"Hamas issues statement congratulations rebels on seizing (sic) Tripoli and hopes it ushers in a new era of history for Libya". (paraphrase)
It looks like John McCain and Hamas have something in common. Both view the Libyan rebels as 'heroes.'

Oh, just as a refresher, here's the portion of the 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document relative to objectives in the United States:
The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.
I know I put this video on the last post but I just can't resist doing it again.

Fast forward to 1:40 mark to see what I mean:

John McCain's Libyan 'Heroes' Already turning to Sharia Law

Back in April, Senator John McCain visited Benghazi, Libya and visited with rebel leaders. At his hotel, he was questioned by an Al Jazeera reporter about any concerns he may have had about who was leading the opposition forces. His response was, 'they're my heroes.' Aside from this being a completely boneheaded thing to say, the degree of ignorance displayed by McCain was shocking for someone at his level. Despite there being all kinds of warning signs that rebel forces consisted of al Qaeda fighters who were backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, he seemed clueless.

Unfortunately, with the fall of Gadhafi, McCain, once again, was proven wrong by those of us who know better. The rebel forces have already presented a Draft Constitution and guess what? Sharia Law will be at the new government's foundation.

Via Heritage:
Much of the document describes political institutions that will sound familiar to citizens of Western liberal democracies, including rule of law, freedom of speech and religious practice, and a multi-party electoral system.

But despite the Lockean tenor of much of the constitution, the inescapable clause lies right in Part 1, Article 1: “Islam is the Religion of the State, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).” Under this constitution, in other words, Islam is law. That makes other phrases such as “there shall be no crime or penalty except by virtue of the law” and “Judges shall be independent, subject to no other authority but law and conscience” a bit more ominous.
Heritage goes on to explain that it is not confirmed whether this document will be the last one standing when a new government is formed but it DOES only further bolster the claims made by those who questioned our support of the rebel forces.

As a senator, McCain is an outright embarrassment to this nation. Fast forward to the 1:40 mark to watch him say the Libyan rebels are his 'heroes.'

Here is the Draft Constitution in full:

Libya Draft Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Stage

Monday, August 22, 2011

Video: Tom Friedman says 'too early to tell' if Media Fell down on the Job in Vetting Obama in 2008

Witness the tale of two media personalities. On one hand, CNN's Howard Kurtz almost seems to be begging for a reason to come clean, to admit that those who were critical of the mainstream media in 2008 about it being open advocates for an Obama presidency. The tone of his question to Tom Friedman almost consisted of a need for his inclination to be validated. Friedman would have none of it. If you've ever wondered what typical liberal pride looks like, witness Friedman, who actually tells Kurtz that it's 'too early to tell' if the media fell asleep at the wheel when it came to vetting Obama.

The forces of denial ALWAYS lose to the forces of reality. Kurtz strikes me as someone who is coming around but Friedman is just going to hang in there until the bitter end.

Via Daily Caller:

Libya Falls, Now What?

Now that it appears the Gadhafi regime in Libya is coming to a close, let's take inventory of the Arab Spring, which started with Tunisia, a small North African country to Libya's west. Dictator Ben Ali fails to beat back the uprising there and flees the country on January 14, 2011. Soon thereafter, a similar uprising takes place in Egypt with Tahrir Square in Cairo serving as the epicenter of activity. With the help of the liberal media - along with the Obama administration - Hosni Mubarak steps down on February 11, 2011. Then NATO set it sights on Libyan strongman, Muammar Gadhafi, in an undeclared war backed by the Obama administration. To be fair, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) referred to the rebels as 'my heroes.' Though Gadhafi's forces put up more of a fight than Obama probably expected or liked, he surrendered on August 22, 2011.

Now what? As Libya no longer requires NATO support against Gadhafi, and the US is not likely interested in more nation building, watch for our diplomatic, political, and even some military resources to re-focus on Syria, where dictator Bashar al-Assad is facing an uprising of his own. Though the 'Arab Spring' is taking place all over the Middle East, those interested in furthering it are likely going to look for the regimes most vulnerable at any given time. This is clearly the case in Syria, which is dealing with two separate opposition groups that seek the overthrow of Assad. One is the pro-democracy Syrian opposition and the other is the Muslim Brotherhood, which is either seizing or has seized control in the other three countries mentioned.

According to the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), the Obama administration has chosen to back the Muslim Brotherhood forces. US Senators McCain, Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), have all publicly endorsed Obama's support for Assad's ouster but seem to be either ignorant of or unconcerned with what will replace him.

There is another country at the center of all of this that seems to be escaping scrutiny. In fact, Turkey, which is now ruled completely by Islamists, is sitting back and reveling in all of these nation states coming to them. The United States, in supporting these uprisings is actually doing Turkey's bidding for nothing in return except a larger debt and a much greater long term threat. When one looks at the history of the Muslim Brotherhood, it was formed in 1928 for one reason - to reestablish the Ottoman Empire, which was based in what is modern day Turkey. Even the liberal LA Times admits this.

This is something former Muslim Brotherhood activist Walid Shoebat has been preaching for nearly a decade now. Turkey has the second-largest military in NATO and the US is the first but we are actually dwindling our resources as a result of reckless spending and wars that actually further the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood and, by extension, Turkey.

Again, why are almost all of the Obama administration's foreign policy decisions in line with the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, to include our insane deficit spending? We know there are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers in this administration but we don't know how many. The more we push the Brotherhood's agenda, the more we need to find out.

Timelines for Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.

Video: Good Guys Win One, Rapper who Organized Flash Mob Frog Marched

Flash mobs are on the rise in America, with twitter and Facebook being the mechanisms used to create them. Increasingly - and very quickly - police need to find ways to defuse them. In this case, they did just that as Cleveland rapper Machine Gun Kelly led one such mob in a mall. When he stood up with a bullhorn, citizens and cops took him down. He was finally handcuffed and frog marched off the premises. Hopefully, law enforcement will get a big takeaway from this incident.

Via GWP:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Obama Lie: Your GM or Chrysler Warranty will be Safe with US

It's much more difficult to find instances when Barack Obama has told the truth than when he lies, which almost makes this post anti-climatic. However, it is noteworthy, nonetheless because once word gets out that the warranties of GM and Chrysler car owners are NOT backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, there will be even less of them sold.

In 2009, Obama assured owners of GM and Chrysler automobiles that their warranties would still be honored. After all, the US government was running those companies and people had nothing to fear.

Via Autoweek in March of 2009:
In a bid to boost flagging auto sales, the federal government will pay for any warranty repairs on a General Motors or Chrysler vehicle if either company can't because of financial problems or a bankruptcy filing, President Barack Obama said on Monday.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can. If you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired just like always," Obama said in a speech. "Your warranty will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it has ever been. Because starting today, the United States will stand behind your warranty."

GM and Chrysler are at a high risk of bankruptcy as they face some of the lowest U.S. sales rates in 27 years, analysts have said. The government on Monday took several actions to help shore up the two automakers after forcing the resignation of GM CEO Rick Wagoner.

"Given where the industry is, these highly unprecedented actions are consistent with the unprecedented times we're in," Standard & Poor's analyst Robert Schulz told Reuters today.
Ah, but that was more than two years ago, which is well past the expiration date on virtually all of Obama's promises. Today, GM (Obama Motors) is saying that any GM car under warranty before the bankruptcy will not be repaired under the terms of any warranty.

Via Reuters:
General Motors Co (GM.N) is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit over a suspension problem on more than 400,000 Chevrolet Impalas from the 2007 and 2008 model years, saying it should not be responsible for repairs because the flaw predated its bankruptcy.

The lawsuit, filed on June 29 by Donna Trusky of Blakely, Pennsylvania, contended that her Impala suffered from faulty rear spindle rods, causing her rear tires to wear out after just 6,000 miles. [ID:nN1E7650CT]

Seeking class-action status and alleging breach of warranty, the lawsuit demands that GM fix the rods, saying that it had done so on Impala police vehicles.

But in a recent filing with the U.S. District Court in Detroit, GM noted that the cars were made by its predecessor General Motors Corp, now called Motors Liquidation Co or "Old GM," before its 2009 bankruptcy and federal bailout.
It would appear that no matter how hard he tries to avoid the laws of economics, they might just be catching up to Obama. This is not something he can easily dismiss, either. In essence, he is the GM of OM, regardless of what figurehead has that title on his desk.

What will be interesting to find out is the number of Obamautomatons who are in this predicament? What percentage of them will be able to figure this out? Of those who do, what percentage of them will actually put their pride aside and affix blame where it belongs - on the liar-in-Chief.

h/t Drudge

Video: Maxine Waters says 'Tea Party can go Straight to Hell'

At a 'Kitchen Table Summit' that took place at Inglewood High School, Rep. Maxine Waters - who happens to be a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America caucus - told a very sympathetic crowd that 'the Tea Party can go straight to hell.' How is that civil tone working for you? In this KABC news report, that is the money line but there's another revealing statement from one of the attendees, which comes very early in this clip. The first person in the audience who appears in this news reports demands to know what this country can do for her.

Proof positive that this Democrat Party is not JFK's Democrat Party.

Via KABC, h/t Free Republic:

Indonesia Mayor: If Street Name is Islamic, Church can't be Built on it

If you've ever heard the term, 'creeping sharia' this is how it works. It is the incremental ratcheting up of Islamic law. Here is a prime example in Indonesia. If you're a Christian who would like to build a church on some land you already possess in the city of Bogor, Indonesia, you'd better check out your street sign first. If the name of the street is Islamic, you are not permitted to build that church. Are there mosques constructed on streets with Christian names? Apparently so.

Via Jakarta Globe:
Bogor’s controversial mayor says he has a new reason not to allow the GKI Yasmin church to open — the name of the street on which it is built has an Islamic name.

Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi said Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto — who continues to defy rulings from the Supreme Court and Ombudsman Commission to open the church — had told him that a church should not be built on a street with an Islamic name.

“[Diani] said that it is a fact that the street is named after a noted Islamic Ulama,” Gamawan said at the Vice Presidential Palace on Friday.

GKI Yasmin is located on Jalan Abdullah bin Nuh, an Islamic leader from Cianjur in West Java.

Local cleric Muhammad Mustofa, whose father is the street’s namesake, has previously stated that he has no objection to the church.

Mustofa, who said that Islam was a religion that promoted peace, said differences between religions were not new and similar problems had occurred since the time of Prophet Mohammad.

“Mecca is an example of pluralism during the prophet’s time. Every problem has its solution and hopefully the problem [surrounding the church] will be settled immediately,” he said.
Though it's good to hear the son of the street's namesake support the right of the church, it's interesting that he referred to 'pluralism' in Mecca during the time of Mohammad but not in the present day.

The Home Affairs Minister agrees with the mayor and his logic is similar to that of Al Capone:
“This is the political reality in the field and it could cause disturbances to security and peace,” Gamawan said. “It would not be healthy in the long run, even for the congregation members themselves. [Diani] told me that he has offered an alternative location with the same [dimensions].”

Gamawan said he would summon Diani next week to discuss possible solutions to the conflict.

“We need to mediate ... but we also need to maintain security and peace,” Gamawan said.

Church spokesman Bona Sigalingging said Diani’s reasoning was unacceptable given that a number of churches were built on streets with Islamic names and mosques were built on streets with Christian names.

Bona said the church would refuse to accept any offer of alternative premises.

“The problem is it against the law, against the court ruling and against the recommendation of Ombudsman. It also breaches legal certainty.”

Ombudsman Commission chairman Danang Girindrawardana told the Jakarta Globe on Friday that the street name issue was a “made-up excuse.”
Made-up excuse? In Islam, there is a reason for everything. If you can prevent churches from being built on streets with Islamic names, one day you can have existing churches on streets with Islamic names torn down OR you can have a lobbying arm to re-name the streets to reflect an allegiance to Islam.

Creeping sharia...

h/t Weasel Zippers

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Videos: Hannity Digs into Fast and Furious

On Sean Hannity's August 19th television show, he aired two in-depth reports about the Fast and Furious scandal. The first clip focuses on the operation itself and how it worked / failed. It also seems to reach the conclusion that Holder and Obama were quite possibly involved. With what is known about who DID know about the operation (William Newell, David Voth, Dennis Burke, etc.), Eric Holder's direct subordinate - Lanny Breuer - is either being protected or is protecting Holder. The first video is a must-watch, especially toward the end when the chain of command is revealed. The second video focuses on the life and death of Brian Terry and what happened on the night he was killed. Both are very well done.

Via Fox News:

Part 1

Part 2

Chris Christie Believes in Man-Made Climate Change

New Jersey governor Chris Christie sent conservative hearts a flutter early on in his administration when he picked very public fights with teachers unions. Last month, he went off on anyone who questioned his appointment of an Islamist-sympathizer to a superior court judgeship in Passaic County. Now, Christie's conservative bonafides are dropping down yet another notch with his proclamation that man-made global warming (climate change) is a real threat. For the record, Islamists love it when westerners are distracted by the pseudo-threat of climate change; it takes our attention off of them.

Christie's come full circle on the issue. Last year, he told a town hall audience in Toms River he was skeptical climate change is the result of human activity. He backed off those comments at a conference of environmentalists in May and agreed to meet with climate scientists for a lesson in global warming.

Later that month, during a news conference announcing he would pull the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a 10-state partnership intended to curb power plant emissions of carbon dioxide, Christie took another step.

"I can’t claim to fully understand all of this," he said. "Certainly not after just a few months of study. But when you have over 90 percent of the world’s scientists who have studied this stating that climate change is occurring and that humans play a contributing role it’s time to defer to the experts."

He added that climate science is complex and "we know enough to know that we are at least part of the problem."
There is something definitely wrong here. The behavior of our top public officials is becoming increasingly surreal.

Christie's biggest supporter, Ann Coulter, was conspicuously silent after Christie's defense of Sohail Mohammed. I wonder if this will snap her out of her Christie crush. I'm guessing not.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Videos: Ya Think Sarah Palin is Going to Run?

Those who have gone on record saying that Sarah Palin is not going to run for president may change their minds after watching this from Sarah.pac. It may be that she wasn't sure if she'd run but if this video correctly captures what happens on the ground, she appears to be closer to jumping into the race. At this point, it doesn't look like she will be able to say no. Palin is definitely in her element when she's among the public. The liberal media has gone after Palin harder than anyone else. Yet, she seems to be the only one who doesn't wilt at all. If she does get into the race, look for a battle between her and the media that will dwarf anything we've seen so far.

There is a school of thought out there that Palin is too polarizing to win the general election but remember, in 2008, the only reason McCain came as close as he did was because Palin was on the ticket. Moreover, Obama's popularity today compared to then is exponentially smaller. Palin's is rising.

Ya think she's going to run? Via GWP:

Just to provide an interesting contrast, here is the Ron Paul Punk Rock Anthem. This guy is the libertarian's version of Barack Obama. The Ron Paul cult does exist and this song, though catchy, does demonstrate that. When 'Ron Paul' is repeated over and over again in the chorus, it should be a pretty good sign of how over-the-top his followers are. I will say this. The Ron Pauliens are more sane than the Obamautomatons but their cultish fervor for Paul is disturbing.

Via Daily Caller:

Awesome: Archbishop with Guts!

Newly appointed bishop for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Charles J. Chaput, is going after the liberal media on its handling of religious issues, social issues, and even the Arab Spring. This is very refreshing to see from a Catholic leader. Frankly, it's in such short supply that the absence of such men in the Catholic church likely has something to do with why it gets such a bad rap. Pope Benedict XVI recently moved Chaput from the Archdiocese of Denver. If this was a promotion, it could help direct other bishops down a similar path. It would also demonstrate that the Pope endorses such assertiveness from Bishops.

Via CNS News:
The news outlets CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and MSNBC do not “provide trustworthy information about religious faith,” said Philadelphia’s incoming Archbishop, Charles Chaput, at the Catholic World Youth Day ongoing this week in Madrid, Spain.

Chaput, the former Archbishop of Denver, made his remarks in an address on religious freedom to a group of more than 10,000 young pilgrims in Madrid on Wednesday. As initially reported in First Things, Chaput told the audience that, “In the United States, our battles over abortion, family life, same-sex ‘marriage,’ and other sensitive issues have led to ferocious public smears and legal threats not only against Catholics, but also against Mormons, evangelicals, and other religious believers.”

“And with relatively few exceptions,” he said, “the mass media tend to cover these disputed issues with a combination of ignorance, laziness, and bias against traditional Christian belief.”
Then Chaput went after the liberal media for its coverage of and bias toward the Arab Spring:
Archbishop Chaput noted that the media gave a lot of coverage to the so-called “Arab Spring,” involving civil unrest in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. “But very little of that coverage has mentioned that the turmoil in Muslim countries has also created a very dangerous situation for Christians and other religious minorities across North Africa and the Middle East,” he said. “In Egypt, angry mobs have attacked Christian churches and monasteries, burning them to the ground and murdering the people inside.”

In addition, he said there has been widespread anti-Christian violence in Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia, but little news coverage of this in the U.S. media, adding that it is illegal to wear a crucifix or own a Bible in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, said the Archbishop, in Pakistan, “Christians face frequent discrimination, slander, beatings and even murder.”
It is long since overdue for Christians to stand up for themselves. Chaput - and perhaps the Pope - see it the same way.

Read it all.

Darrell Issa Making Progress if New York Times is Libeling him

As the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious continues to build quiet but very substantial momentum, the man at the tip of the spear in that investigation, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has a new badge of honor that should demonstrate he's on the right track. New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau published a hit piece on Issa that is so egregiously false, Issa has decided to go to the mat over it, demanding retractions from the New York Times. In fact, Issa's team has identified a total of 13 factual errors. One of those errors was Lichtblau's assertion that Issa's district office overlooks a golf course.

Here is a video shot from Issa's office that clearly shows there is no golf course in sight.

As for some of the other 12 errors, here is a taste of what Lichtblau did via Issa's website:
The New York Times story cites three central examples it believes justifies these allegations:

* A medical complex purchased by Rep. Issa in 2008 that the Times story alleges enjoyed a 60 percent appreciation as it increased in value from $10.3 million to $16.6 million, "at least in part because of the government-sponsored road work" that Rep. Issa supported.

* That he "went easy" on Toyota during 2010 hearings on unintended acceleration due to "his electronics company's role as a major supplier of alarms to Toyota."

* An alleged 1900 percent profit Rep. Issa's charitable foundation made on an investment of "less that $19,000" that was sold seven months later for $357,000 "months before the stock market crashed."
Ok, so that's what Lichtblau reported. Take a look at what Issa's office said in response:
*The medical complex the Times story alleges enjoyed a 60 percent appreciation since it was purchased for $10.3 million and is now valued at $16.6 million is a patently false claim. According to the buyer's final settlement statement, the property in question was not purchased for $10.3 million as the New York Times reported but for $16.6 million – the exact same figure of its current tax assessment. According to these numbers, the appreciation is not 60 percent but roughly zero. In addition, the government sponsored road work noted in the article has not even begun and Rep. Issa's requests for the project (which were publicly announced and made on behalf of and at the request of the City of Vista, and the San Diego Association of Governments which is the regional transportation planning authority) all came before the 2008 property purchase.

*The allegation that Rep. Issa "went easy" on Toyota during 2010 hearings because of "his electronics company's role as a major supplier of alarms to Toyota" is again an example of a factual error in the Times story that lends no support to the story's central premise. While the Times story tells readers that Rep. Issa's former company, Directed Electronics, is a "major supplier of alarms to Toyota," the story offers no evidence, and Directed Electronics is, in fact, not a supplier to Toyota. The New York Times also fails to note that Rep. Issa does not have a personal financial interest in Directed Electronics.

*The "1,900 percent" profit allegation is, again, based on reporting errors by the New York Times. This is assertion is based on an incorrect form obtained by the Times. According to a financial transaction record, the Issa Family Foundation's initial investment in the AIM Small Company fund was not $19,000 but $500,000. The asset was later sold for $375,000 resulting in a $125,000 loss – not a 1900 percent gain as was reported.
It's mighty coincidental that the New York Times is doing this to Darrell Issa at a time when the Oversight Committee chairman appears to have really dug into a scandal that is increasingly proving to reach all the way to Eric Holder at best and the White House at worst. Still, as Issa's team is mired in uncovering the details of that scandal, it decided it could not ignore Lichtblau's charges. No matter what the Times does in response to Issa, this appears to be one heck of a smack down.

It's safe to say that after throwing down the gauntlet with these apparently quite factual refutations, the ball is in Lichtblau's court. Will he and the Times double down or will it admit to libel by saying nothing?

Read it all. h/t Powerline

Friday, August 19, 2011

Syria the Next to Fall to the Muslim Brotherhood?

First it was Tunisia, then Egypt, now Libya. All are African nation states whose leaders have either been toppled or soon will be. The common thread that runs through all of them is the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that seeks to eliminate borders and reestablish an Islamic caliphate one day. Its goal is the reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire, based in what is today Turkey. The Turkish government - and now military - has fallen to the Islamist AKP party. Libyan dictator Gadhafi has put up a fight against the Muslim Brotherhood backed rebels but appears to be ready to flee, according to an NBC report:

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If and when Gadhafi falls, look for the Brotherhood to establish a much stronger foothold in Northern Africa. As that's happening, the same thing is going on in Syria. The Obama administration appears to be focusing its attention on that country as Libya seems to be falling to the Islamist rebels. Apparently, there are two groups opposing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. One is the pro-Muslim Brotherhood opposition and the other is the pro-Democracy opposition. Guess which one the Obama administration is supporting.

Via World Tribune, h/t Jihad Watch:
WASHINGTON -- The administration of President Barack Obama has selected the Muslim Brotherhood over the pro-democracy opposition to lead Syria after the expected ouster of President Bashar Assad, a report said.

The Hudson Institute, a leading consultant to the Defense Department, asserted that the administration has decided to work with Turkey and the Brotherhood in Syria for a post-Assad government. In a report by Herbert London, the institute said Obama has dismissed the pro-democracy opposition as an alternative.
So, not only is this administration supporting the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria but it's working with Turkey in order to facilitate the transition. Turkey is just sitting back, watching countries fall to forces that will only make Turkey much more powerful. Does anyone seem to care to ask why the Obama administration is doing this? Could it be that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the White House? In addition to Obama's envoy to the OIC having ties to the MSA (Muslim Brotherhood group), Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin has strong familial ties to the Brotherhood.

Another high stakes dynamic taking place here is the power struggle between Iran and Turkey. Iran, which has supported Bashar Assad for years, has to be watching this unfold with great interest. If and when Assad falls, the balance of power will tip toward Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood in a big way. Iran wants a working alliance with Turkey but is probably getting a bit nervous about the Brotherhood's rise.

To demonstrate the complete and total ignorance of what's really at stake here, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are praising Obama for his stance on Syria.

Here is video of Hillary calling for Assad to step down:

h/t Hapblog
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