Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Video: Zombies Descend on Winter Garden, FL

This is a 'must see' video. No, really. It's a safe bet that everyone of these 'zombies' voted for liberal whack job Alan Grayson in his November 2010 loss to Daniel Webster - the Representative these 'zombies' are protesting against. Someone really does need to tell these walking dead that whatever message they're attempting to communicate is not getting through because, well, they're zombies. Hint: When you're protesting by portraying yourself as a brain dead zombie that feasts on brains, you're likely not going to be taken seriously.

The optics in this news segment are killer - just watch the zombies limp around behind the reporter - but the best line of the segment comes from the news anchor after the report when he says, 'Who says activism is dead?'

Gotta love this.

Zombies protest congressman's office:

h/t Weasel Zippers

Videos: Rabid Mob Attempts to Attack Terry Jones in Dearborn, MI

Last week, Florida Pastor Terry Jones was in Dearbornistan, MI to protest in front of a mosque. A quick trial was called and it was not only ruled that he could not conduct that protest but that he couldn't go anywhere near the mosque for three years. One week later, Jones was in Dearborn to protest in front of City Hall. His group was easily outnumbered by counter-protesters. The only things separating the two were barricades and four lanes of traffic. The counter-protesters broke through the barricades and crossed all four lanes, ostensibly to do physical harm. The only thing stopping them were riot police.

Via Click On Detroit:
DEARBORN, Mich. -- Florida pastor Terry Jones was outside Dearborn's City Hall for his planned 5 p.m. protest, drawing a crowd of hundreds.

"We're glad to be back," he told reporters. "We're going to talk about a number of issues. Of course Sharia, jihad, what happened last week and we're even going to be talking about president Obama's reelection."

Counter-protesters lined Michigan Avenue across the street from City Hall. About an hour into the protest, the crowds broke the barricades and a police line. They rushed the street but were quickly contained by riot police crews.

The crowd was throwing water bottles and shoes at supporters of Jones. Police worked to push the crowd back across Michigan Avenue.

At least one arrest was made.
There are several videos available at Click On Detroit. Here is an on-the-ground news report - with shots from above via helicopter - as the barricades fell. Take note as the reporter speaks of a few local Muslim leaders who were helping police discourage counter-protester behavior. Make no mistake, that is not because they agree with Jones or even because they necessarily agree with his right to speak. Instead, they understand optics and knew the counter-protesters' behavior was bad for business.

Those counter-protesters kinda remind you of the Tea Party, right? Puhlease.

Here is another angle (from the side of the counter-protesters):

h/t Weasel Zippers

San Francisco Chronicle Accuses White House of Lying

At issue is a swanky fundraiser dinner in San Francisco where a bunch of Obama supporters got up from their table while the president was speaking and broke into a protest song, 'we paid our dues, where's our change?' The donors were protesting on behalf of Bradley Manning, the homosexual military private who is responsible for putting the thousands of top secret cables in the hands of Julian Assange and wikileaks. Here is a short clip of the donors singing along with Obama's reaction. That's key because the person who filmed it is the one allegedly facing White House wrath.

The fact that this video - shot by Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci - was made public appears to be what has angered the Obama administration. The very liberal Chronicle reported that Marinucci had been excluded from the journalist pool for publishing the video:
The hip, transparent and social media-loving Obama administration is showing its analog roots. And maybe even some hypocrisy highlights.

White House officials have banished one of the best political reporters in the country from the approved pool of journalists covering presidential visits to the Bay Area for using now-standard multimedia tools to gather the news.

The Chronicle's Carla Marinucci - who, like many contemporary reporters, has a phone with video capabilities on her at all times -shot some protesters interrupting an Obama fundraiser at the St. Regis Hotel.

She was part of a "print pool" - a limited number of journalists at an event who represent their bigger hoard colleagues - which White House press officials still refer to quaintly as "pen and pad" reporting.

But that's a pretty Flintstones concept of journalism for an administration that presents itself as the Jetsons. Video is every bit a part of any journalist's tool kit these days as a functioning pen that doesn't leak through your pocket.
The White House denied threatening or banning Marinucci. This was clearly perceived as a lie by Chronicle editor Ward Bushee, who wrote the following:
Sadly, we expected the White House to respond in this manner based on our experiences yesterday. It is not a truthful response. It follows a day of off-the-record exchanges with key people in the White House communications office who told us they would remove our reporter, then threatened retaliation to Chronicle and Hearst reporters if we reported on the ban, and then recanted to say our reporter might not be removed after all.

The Chronicle's report is accurate.

If the White House has indeed decided not to ban our reporter, we would like an on-the-record notice that she will remain the San Francisco print pool reporter.
HERE is a link to the POLITICO story reporting that the White House denied threatening the Chronicle with banishment.

Typical liberals. Obama has been lying to the American people for a over three years now and the Chronicle doesn't get serious or indignant about it until they're the ones lied to.

h/t Drudge

Video: William F. Buckley vs. Saul Alinsky in 1967

This is only the first five minutes of a full hour but it's definitely worth watching. One conservative icon does battle with the founder of Community Organizing. This exchange is a look into the essence of the modern day battle between the Tea Party and the union thugs. The legacies of both men have ballooned significantly since their deaths. Buckley gets the better of this exchange and Alinsky ends up on the wrong side of semantic battles he actually created. For example, Buckley calls him on a quote attributed to him that referenced 'political pornography' and Alinsky took exception, saying he didn't call anyone a 'political pornographer.' Buckley shoots him down on that issue. The best part comes at the very end; Alinsky basically concedes that Buckley got him after making an analogy using a priest.

h/t to Hot Air

Friday, April 29, 2011

Gauntlet! NRA's LaPierre to call for Holder to Resign over Project Gunrunner

This Project Gunrunner truly is a scandal of epic proportions just ready to explode. The ATF Director is blowing off subpoena deadlines; a top official inside the ATF is talking to Senator Chuck Grassley with an attorney present; Congressional investigators are now on the ground in Arizona to dig deep; The ATF has already been caught in a lie courtesy of emails and whistle blowers; a Border Patrol agent's death is tied to weapons the ATF let 'walk' into Mexico; The Department of Justice is stonewalling; now NRA President Wayne LaPierre is calling for Holder to resign.

Via CBS News:
Sources tell CBS News that NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is expected to call for Holder's resignation in a speech Saturday morning at the Association's annual meeting in Pittsburgh.

NRA reacts to CBS News investigation on ATF "gunwalking"

LaPierre has accused Holder of trying to "destroy the Second Amendment" and has been critical of the Department of Justice handling of "Project Gunrunner," a program intended to stop the flow of weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

But as CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reported last month, ATF agents charge the program actually helped get thousands of guns into the hands of criminals.

"When does it stop being law enforcement and start being a criminal enterprise? Innocent people are dying. It makes no sense at all." LaPierre told CBS News last month.
Here is LaPierre talking to CBS about the scandal.

Video: Man Arrested for Preaching at DMV

The title of this post doesn't do the video justice. It really is shocking to watch. Leaders of Calvary Chapel in Hemet, CA decided to take advantage of the multitude of people who stand out in front of the DMV every morning waiting for it to open. One man from the church began reading from the Bible and it didn't take long for a police officer to show up and arrest him for preaching to a 'captive audience.' Though the method used by the man reading the Bible may be questioned for its effectiveness, it seems the statute cited by the officer may only relate to impeding a business from functioning.

Here's a thought. Maybe if the DMV made even the slightest effort to become more efficient, people wouldn't feel like they had to get there early just to be the 20th person in line. If this man is guilty of preaching to a captive audience, the DMV is guilty of creating that audience.

Via The Blaze:

Video: Cardinal who Suspended Michael Pfleger has Protesters on his Lawn

Frankly, Father Michael Pfleger should have been defrocked three years ago when he was simply suspended for two weeks by Cardinal Francis George. Upon his return then, Pfleger remained on as Pastor of St. Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago. Nonetheless, there was recently an indication from the Cardinal that Pfleger would be reassigned to a local High School - that may help solve the St. Sabina problem but it helps to cause one somewhere else. Pfleger publicly stated he would not accept that career change and was subsequently suspended by George.

Via WGN:
In a letter sent to Pfleger, Francis Cardinal George wrote, "your ministry as pastor of Saint Sabina Parish and your sacramental faculties as priest of the Archdiocese are suspended…this suspension permits you to retain the office of pastor while temporarily without permission to function."

Cardinal Francis George stated in the letter that Pfleger's recent comments in the media about leaving the Catholic Church if he was assigned to a position at Leo High School was the cause for the suspension.
Here's the news report that goes along with the story. Notice the endorsement Pfleger gets from Mayor Richard Daley. That should be the first indication to the Cardinal that he's making the right decision.


h/t Hapblog

Nine Attorneys General Battle Feds over Boeing Plant

Picture this. You run a company that manufactures airplanes in Washington State. Your plant is unionized, which eats away at your profits. As a consequence, you decide to open an additional plant in South Carolina - a 'right to work' state where employees cannot be compelled to join a union. Now, imagine that your new plant is built and as your making preparations to get it up and running, a federal body - the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) - tells you to cease and desist manufacturing a certain type of airliner in that plant based on complaints the NLRB received from union leaders.

Nine state Attorneys General have taken notice and have sent the NLRB a strong letter regarding this decision.

Via Fox News:
Nine state attorneys general sounded off in a letter to the National Labor Relations Board, calling a complaint it filed against Boeing for opening a production facility in South Carolina an assault on their states' economies.

After receiving a complaint from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the NLRB claims Boeing participated in unfair labor practices by threatening to open new, non-union facilities elsewhere when workers went on strike at the company's Washington state production facility in 2008.

Boeing is slated to open its newest 787 airliner assembly line this summer in South Carolina, a "right-to-work" state, in which employee's can't be forced to join a union to work at unionized plants. In Washington state and the 28 states without "right-to-work" laws, once a majority of workers have opted to join a union, everyone can be required to join and pay dues. That gives labor groups an advantage in organizing.

"This complaint represents an assault upon the constitutional right of free speech, and the ability of our states to create jobs and recruit industry. Your ill-conceived retaliatory action seeks to destroy our citizens' right to work," the letter from the attorneys general reads.

The NLRB complaint attempts to keep Boeing from building 787 airliners in the Palmetto State plant, not shut it down. But the company designed the facility to produce three of those type of airplanes each month.
Amazingly, Boeing wasn't even planning to shut down its plant in Washington, which it says grew by 2,000 jobs since the company announced it would be opening a South Carolina plant.

HERE is the letter.

h/t Free Republic

Thursday, April 28, 2011

State and Defense Departments Arming Mexican Cartels

In the wake of the Project Gunrunner scandal, in which gun store owners were told by the ATF to allow weapons to be purchased and then walked into Mexico illegally, this story takes on added significance. The Department of Defense in conjunction with the State Department, have been selling powerful weapons to Latin American governments as well as to the Mexican government. Once they arrive in the hands of the Mexico government, they seem to disappear and end up in the hands of cartels. In Latin America, they appear to be sold to the cartels of the north.

Yet, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama attempted to push the narrative in 2009 that 90% of the gun crimes in Mexico were the result of weapons being trafficked from the United States. The implication was that tighter gun control was necessary.

Via Fox News:
You can't buy this stuff at a U.S. gun store. So where do the cartels get it? According to leaked diplomatic cables, there are three sources.

1. U.S. Defense Department shipments to Latin America, known and tracked by the U.S. State Department as "foreign military sales."

2. Weapons ordered by the Mexican government, tracked by the State Department as "direct commercial sales."

3. Aging, but plentiful arsenals of military weapon stores in Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua.

Even though these facts were well-known by the Obama administration, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder, it blamed much of the violence in Mexico on U.S. gun stores.

"More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our border," President Obama said in February 2009.

That was contested, but few listened to gun store owners and former vets like Lynn Kartchner, owner of Allsafe Security, a gun shop in Douglas, Ariz.

"We in the gun industry knew from day one the allegations that the preponderance of sales came from gun stores like this one was totally not true," Kartchner said.
You can debate whether it's bad policy to sell weapons to Mexico and Latin American counties. What is absolutely unacceptable is for a government agency - the ATF - to order gun store owners to sell guns illegally to people who 'walk' those guns into Mexico and then blame those gun store owners for being irresponsible.

This really is an outrage.

Read it all.

Videos: Out Come the After-Birthers

For sheer entertainment value, be sure to watch MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell attempt to get Orly Taitz - long known as 'Queen of the Birthers' - to admit that Obama has unequivocally proven that he was born in Hawaii with the release of his long form Birth Certificate. Taitz doesn't even acknowledge the question once but instead demands closeups of a document she has in her hands. When O'Donnell asks her what it is, she begins talking about Obama's Selective Service number. At that point, the avowed Socialist O'Donnell begins blowing gaskets in large numbers.

Via The Blaze:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Taitz obviously thought it more beneficial to focus on something else rather than declare the Long form a forgery. Had she done that, O'Donnell may have begun screaming like an insolent child. There are people out there who are declaring the long form a fake. Check it out:

h/t Gateway Pundit

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Senate and Congressional Investigators in Arizona to Investigate Project Gunrunner

It would take more than two hands to count the number of times Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) have been stonewalled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, and ATF Director Kenneth Melson collectively. The most egregious infraction came courtesy of Melson, when he completely ignored a subpoena issued by the Committee on House Oversight and Government Reform. Issa, as Chairman, has subpoena power and he used it. After Melson ignored the deadline, Issa threatened contempt hearings.

It now appears Issa and Grassley are ratcheting up the pressure by sending investigators to Arizona to get more information from where this scandal originated.

Via CBS News:
CBS News has learned that House and Senate investigators have descended upon Arizona for their probe into the so-called "Gunwalker" scandal. They're gathering interviews from witnesses, including ATF insiders and area gun shop owners. Sources tell CBS News the congressional investigators are frustrated by what they view as across-the-board stonewalling by government agencies which have refused to provide information in the investigation. Government officials have said they won't provide information while their own investigations are ongoing.

"They're investigating themselves," says one source on Capitol Hill, "and then claiming the open investigations preclude them from giving Congress information it needs for independent oversight. It's highly improper."

ATF insiders being interviewed in Arizona are among those who told CBS News that their own agency employed a controversial strategy beginning in late 2009 called "letting guns walk," to try to gather intelligence. In that strategy, used in an operation ATF called "Fast and Furious," ATF allegedly allowed thousands of assault rifles and other weapons cross the Mexican border into the hands of drug cartels. Many of the guns later turned up at Mexican crime scenes, and ATF was notified; but documents show the agency continued to encourage local gun shop owners to sell more guns to the same suspects.
The longer this goes on, the worse it's going to be for the Obama administration. If Grassley and Issa get the incriminating answers from officials on the ground in Arizona they're likely to, we could see this scandal blow wide open. Then again, that should have happened at several points since this story broke a few months ago.

Read it all.

Must See Video: Obama's Shocking Past

This is an excellent piece of video journalism; it's stuff you simply will not see in the mainstream media. It's also indisputable and extremely relevant. The mainstream media cannot dispute it. Therefore, it must view it as harmful to its agenda. By not covering it, the liberal media wants to portray it as irrelevant. The kicker here is that this entire segment shows something so unbelievably surreal that the subject of Obama's Birth Certificate doesn't even need to come up. All one has to do is consider the facts after accepting the premise that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Sr.

The liberal media has successfully painted Birthers as kooks. It cannot do the same with those who find a problem with the President's true upbringing after his birth.

Those facts are more than disturbing enough. Bill Whittle nails it here.

Via Big Government:

Video: Out of Work Air America Talk Show Host Heckles Rep. Allen West

The good news is that the more the left's dander is raised by Allen West, the more exposure he will get. The more exposure he gets, the more people will see that he could be the right man at the right time to lead this nation beginning in 2012. He's got the courage to fight like Donald Trump but he's also got the combat experience and the conservative bonafides Trump does not have. When West finally does become a household name, look out. He's well on his way, too, with moments like this.

Former Air America talk show host Nicole Sandler began heckling West at a Town Hall and was escorted outside. Then, she got belligerent and ended up in handcuffs. As she was being arrested, she was boasting about the entire thing being caught on video. Unbeknownst to her, the video makes her look like she deserved to be arrested. Getting in a cop's face and yelling at him tends to do that. A look at the video shows the cop acted with composure and was preventing the situation from escalating. Sandler had every opportunity to avoid the cuffs but pushed the envelope until she got there.

Amidst all that, it's obvious that West is unshakeable.

h/t The Blaze

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Was Project Gunrunner Scandal a 'Crisis' Created?

My latest column at Big Peace explores the increasingly likely possibility that the ATF may have allowed weapons to be purchased and trafficked illegally into Mexico to help create a crisis that an international gun treaty could then solve. A big problem for the ATF is the number of its agents who have come forward to blow the whistle. Indications are that approval for Operation Fast & Furious went all the way to the very top of the ATF and possibly even higher - think Eric Holder. ATF Director Kenneth Melson has already blown off a subpoena issued by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Consider the notion that high ranking administration officials wanted these guns exported into Mexico to create a crisis. Two of those weapons were found at the murder scene of a Border Patrol agent. This, more than anything else, was the last straw for the whistleblowers. This scandal could be like Watergate, only with murder.

Via Big Peace:
Never letting a crisis go to waste is a core belief of the Obama administration. As the incoming Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel infamously championed the practice:

“Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.”

In 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton echoed the sentiment when she told a Brussels audience to “never waste a good crisis” while talking about climate change. At about the same time, Clinton was responsible for pushing a provably false narrative that 90% of the guns used to commit crimes in Mexico came from the United States.

Just a few short months later, Clinton announced that she would support the United Nations’ efforts to regulate arms sales. Clinton said the following in a written statement:

“Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly.”

Barack Obama himself promised Mexico that he would push the U.S. Senate for ratification of an international gun treaty that would operate under the auspices of preventing guns from entering Mexico illegally from the United States. It was a tall order that required two-thirds of the Senate to approve.

While the administration was pushing an agenda by pushing false narratives, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) was allowing high caliber weapons to be exported irresponsibly to Mexico and placed in the hands of murderous drug cartels. Known as Operation Fast and Furious, it was part of the larger Project Gunrunner program.

There is now ironclad proof that the decision to allow straw purchasers to buy AK-47’s and .50 caliber Barrett rifles which then were ‘walked’ into Mexico was made by someone extremely high up within the ATF and possibly Eric Holder’s Justice Department. The last straw for a growing number of whistleblowers was when two of those weapons were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry last December.

When a gun shop owner expressed grave concern about this policy to ATF Phoenix Supervisor David Voth in an email, he was told to continue selling weapons illegally. When that same shop owner expressed concern for the safety of Border agents six months before Terry’s death, Voth told him to continue.

In reality, it was this and other gun shop owners who were acting responsibly; a government agency – who Attorney General Eric Holder is ultimately responsible for – acted worse than irresponsibly.

Initially, the ATF denied it was allowing these guns to ‘walk.’ It lied. Now, its Director has ignored a subpoena and countless requests for documents by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA). Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton have both denied requests for information as well.

The evidence in this scandal is increasingly pointing to officials extremely high up in this administration. At that point, the dots are not too far apart to connect.

Guns being transported into Mexico illegally is certainly a ‘crisis’ made exponentially worse by the resultant deaths. Such a crisis, if properly exploited, could serve as the impetus for getting the Senate to ratify an international weapons treaty.

Until and unless Clinton, Holder, and ATF Director Kenneth Melson prove to us that a crisis wasn’t created in order to do something they could not do before, what else are we left to conclude?
Original article includes hyperlinks.

Video: Obama's Latest Pastor says Talk Radio 'Racist'

As White House Press Secretary Jay Carney laughed of questions about why Obama did not issue an Easter proclamation, he pointed to the fact that Obama was busy going to church that day. What he didn't say was that the views held by the pastor at the church Obama attended - Wallace Charles Smith - seems to hold views similar to those of Jeremiah Wright. He may not express them as theatrically but they're there nonetheless. Here is Smith at Eastern University last year. In this sermon, Smith invokes Jim Crow and refers to talk radio as racist. Then he explained why the KKK was formed. A curious omission by Smith is that the KKK was formed by Democrats who wanted to intimidate blacks.

One other aspect to this video worth noting is that Smith dismisses the notion that America can move past race because a black president was elected. This is pretty pathetic because it shows who really wants to fan the flames of racism. It's people like this.

VIa The Blaze

Here is Carney's attempt to highlight Obama attending Smith's church as a reason for no Easter proclamation. It takes on added significance once you know what Smith's views are.

Iran Hit with a Second Computer Virus - Stars

Back in July, it was learned that an extremely destructive virus, named Stuxnet, penetrated the computers that manage Iran's nuclear program. It set the program back significantly. Now it's learned that a second virus has attacked Iran. This one is named Stars and either the Iranians appear perplexed at its intent. As Stuxnet may still be inflicting serious damage to Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor, Stars may just be at the beginning of what it's intended to do. Stuxnet is thought to have set Iran's push for nukes back significantly.

Via Jerusalem Post:
Iran has been targeted by a second computer virus in a "cyber war" waged by its enemies, its commander of civil defense said on Monday.

Gholamreza Jalali told the semi-official Mehr news agency that the new virus, called "Stars", was being investigated by experts. Last year, Iran revealed that its computers were attacked by the Stuxnet worm, which attack the Bushehr nuclear reactor.

"Fortunately, our young experts have been able to discover this virus and the Stars virus is now in the laboratory for more investigations," Jalali was quoted as saying. He did not specify the target of Stars or its intended impact.

"The particular characteristics of the Stars virus have been discovered," Jalali said. "The virus is congruous and harmonious with the [computer] system and in the initial phase it does minor damage and might be mistaken for some executive files of government organizations."
For obvious reasons, Iran is going to downplay the effectiveness of both Stuxnet and Stars. It sounds like the latter has them a bit flummoxed, which would play right into the hands of whoever is responsible. Can't you picture Ahmadinejad cussing right now?

h/t Yid with Lid

Ron Paul Shows why he's a Fruitcake in Under Two Minutes

In much the same way that liberals' eyes glaze over when you start talking economics, the Ron Pauliens' and Truthers' eyes glaze over when you start communicating the severity of Islamic Jihad. It doesn't matter how many times you try to explain it to them, they will default to the Ron Paul position, which is: Muslims hate us because we're overseas and the violence we experience as a result is 'blowback.' That position taken just one tiny step further is that America's support of Israel is a problem. Many of the Pauliens believe withdrawing our support for Israel is necessary as well.

Ron Paul is the Jekyll and Hyde candidate. If you start talking to him about economics and auditing the Federal Reserve, he makes perfect sense and could actually lead on many of those issues. Once you start talking to him about the Muslim Brotherhood, Jihad, etc. you get incoherent ramblings that are on par with those of a toddler after too much cough syrup. As a Fed Chairman, Ron Paul may be the best candidate. As a president, he would be a disaster.

Here's Ron Paul on Hannity. Note how he says there are 'radicals in all religions.' Geesh.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kate Walsh: Another Hollywood Genius

This one has been on the internet for a few days but it's got staying power because of its sheer lunacy. While on Capitol Hill to observe the first anniversary of the BP Gulf oil spill, actress Kate Walsh was polite yet indignant over the fact that drilling is still taking place in the Gulf. She actually wants Obama to repeal all drilling permits. Walsh supported Obama's election in 2008 and defended his performance to this point by saying, 'he's been lowered into a pit of a mess.'

Liberals, in general, do not know where money comes from. This brilliant Hollywood celebrity doesn't know where energy comes from. She obviously has no clue how much oil she's personally responsible for consuming. I'm sure all the petroleum that's used in all of the shoes she's purchased would make quite a puddle.

Via CNS News:

Could Second Coming be Revealed via Social Media?

ABC's Christiane Amanpour sat down with Franklin Graham and talked a bit about prophecy and the age we're in. When the conversation turned to all eyes seeing the Second Coming, Graham hinted that one way such a thing might be possible is through social media - YouTube, camera phones, etc. Anyone who's honest with himself must admit that the times we are currently in are very tumultuous. Earthquakes, famines, floods, and wars are increasing rapidly all over the globe. There is a clear sense that we're sitting on a powder keg in many ways.

h/t Daily Caller:

Videos: Jury Denies Florida Pastor First Amendment Rights

Regardless of one's feelings about Florida pastor Terry Jones, this is an extremely dangerous precedent. On April 22nd, Jones was in Dearborn, MI to protest outside a Mosque there. A trial was quickly called - amazing how speedy trials are possible when certain people want them - to determine if he should be allowed to hold the protest. The jury ruled that he could not. Why? Because it might cause locals to riot. Denying one's free speech rights based on what others might do is targeting the wrong individual - and it's very dangerous.

A theme the jury seemed to focus on was that the location Terry Jones chose for his protest was not acceptable. That argument immediately conjures up images of the Ground Zero mosque protests. That was all about location too. Except, those who protested were labeled by the Muslim community as 'intolerant.' There was also no court order that said the Mosque couldn't be built there. In fact, the city cleared the way for its construction. When a small pastor wants to protest outside a Mosque in Michigan, he's the intolerant one? The lack of consistency here is palpable.

If there is any good to come out of this, it should be that some of those involved in paving the way for this ridiculous ruling could conceivably wake up and realize how utterly absurd the ruling is. What happened in Dearborn, MI last week was a victory for the Islamists. Period. It was a victory for creeping Shariah law and proof that Sharia law cannot coexist with the United States Constitution.

Verum Serum has two videos that tell the story. The first is a news report from the local Fox affiliate. The second is an interview with one of the dhimmi jurors.

It's amazing what people will say and believe in order to rationalize cowardice.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Video: Armenians Protest Obama in California over Turkish Genocide

Well, I hate to be redundant but we have another Obama broken promise here. This one is politically radioactive too, because it involves an increasingly Islamist nation in Turkey. Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks under the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and their descendants have been demanding that it be deemed 'genocide' for generations now. Turkey refuses to acknowledge it as such and any discussion of it has driven them further into the arms of a welcoming Iran. There are forces all over the Middle East who want to reinstate the Ottoman Empire; count the Muslim Brotherhood as being among them. That's why all of the uprisings carry more weight than most will admit.

The Turks did commit genocide in 1915 and these people are correct. Once again, Obama is on the wrong side and has been caught in yet another in a long line of lies. More about the protest HERE.

Via Hapblog:

The Column that's Changing My Mind on Boehner's Budget Deal

Count me among those who was disappointed with the Republican budget deal as well as with House Speaker John Boehner's insistence on not shutting down the government. I still think it was a mistake for him to play his hand too early by saying Republicans wouldn't do it. Until reading this column from Quin Hillyer, I was more than a little adamant that we shouldn't raise the debt ceiling either. Hillyer's take on what the consequences of doing such things might be are worth considering. Hint: it has to do with Saul Alinsky, Obama's ideological hero.

Don't Let Alinsky Win:
Conservatives itching for an all-or-nothing showdown with Barack Obama risk playing right into his hands. A crisis is exactly what he wants. To understand this, it is necessary, once again, to understand that most of his playbook comes from radical organizer Saul Alinsky, and that his playbook also assuredly draws on the work of professors he encountered at Columbia University, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

"The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength," wrote Alinsky in Rules for Radicals. "The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step…."

Cloward and Piven, meanwhile, called for "a political crisis… that could lead to legislation for a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty." They propose actions that "would generate severe political strains, and deepen existing divisions…. [B]y the collapse of current financing arrangements, powerful forces can be generated for major economic reforms at the national level." And: "Advocacy must be supplemented by organized demonstrations to create a climate of militancy."

A crisis is Obama's friend. An angry reaction is his ally. Disorder is his goal.

His mortal enemy (speaking tactically), on the other hand, is steady, sober, thoughtful, rational pressure by political adversaries who are willing to take the time to consolidate gains, explain themselves, reassure the public that it (the public) has nothing to fear from them (Obama's adversaries), and which constantly calibrates their words and actions to make it evident that they are keeping the moral high ground. A government shutdown does not fit this model. Forcing a debt crisis does not fit this model. Incendiary rhetoric doesn't fit the model, nor do all-or-nothing ultimatums.

This is not -- repeat, not -- to advocate a weak cautiousness. Boldness in trying times is definitely a strength. But it should be a well-planned boldness of considered actions -- preferably "gamed out" in advance -- rather than a reactive or (even worse) angry recklessness. Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, for instance, is probably the boldest proposal put forth with unified Republican support in well over a decade. Yet it didn't come out of nowhere. It was carefully crafted, carefully rolled out, and sold by a man of high intelligence whose looks and demeanor are more that of the reliably do-gooder brother than they are of the ogre the liberals want to portray. It is exactly the right sort of gambit.
You also might notice that videos of Obama's minions are popping up all over the place lately saying even more outlandish things with greater frequency. It's not often that an Op-ed changes my mind so drastically but this one just might do it.

Read it all.

This should serve as a serviceable metaphor. The charging horses represent the Democrats, Braveheart's men represent the Tea Party, and the spears represent the 2012 election.

Video: Rep. Allen West Invokes Leonidas, Sparta

If you've seen the movie 300, this video of Rep. Lt. Col. Allen West (R-FL) will take on added significance. While speaking at a Women Impacting the Nation (WIN) on April 19th, West made multiple reference to not only Sparta's most historic warrior but to the strength of Spartan women, who proudly took responsibility for raising Spartan men. In the context of today's seemingly inevitable collision between the Islamic and western worlds, the west in general and the United States in particular has a huge advantage when it comes to women.

If you're up for some inspiration, just watch.

Part 2:

That should put you in the mood for THIS.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Earth Day Hero who Murdered, made Compost out of his Girlfriend

This is the week of Passover and Resurrection Day in the Judeo-Christian world. In the far left liberal whack job world, it's also the week of 'Earth Day.' As proponents of the latter mocked Texas Governor Rick Perry for praying for rain, Charles Manson was singing the praises of the climate change movement. Another murderer should also be remembered for championing the Eco-whacko movement. His name is Ira Einhorn and he was the Master of Ceremonies for the first Earth Day on April 22nd, 1970. Some years later, he killed his girlfriend and made compost out of her.

Live Science via Fox Nation:
A self-proclaimed environmental activist, Einhorn made a name for himself among ecological groups during the 1960s and '70s by taking on the role of a tie-dye-wearing ecological guru and Philadelphia’s head hippie. With his long beard and gap-toothed smile, Einhorn -- who nicknamed himself "Unicorn" because his German-Jewish last name translates to "one horn" -- advocated flower power, peace and free love to his fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania. He also claimed to have helped found Earth Day.

But the charismatic spokesperson who helped bring awareness to environmental issues and preached against the Vietnam War -- and any violence -- had a secret dark side. When his girlfriend of five years, Helen "Holly" Maddux, moved to New York and broke up with him, Einhorn threatened that he would throw her left-behind personal belongings onto the street if she didn't come back to pick them up.

And so on Sept. 9, 1977, Maddux went back to the apartment that she and Einhorn had shared in Philadelphia to collect her things, and was never seen again. When Philadelphia police questioned Einhorn about her mysterious disappearance several weeks later, he claimed that she had gone out to the neighborhood co-op to buy some tofu and sprouts and never returned.

It wasn't until 18 months later that investigators searched Einhorn's apartment after one of his neighbors complained that a reddish-brown, foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn's bedroom closet. Inside the closet, police found Maddux's beaten and partially mummified body stuffed into a trunk that had also been packed with Styrofoam, air fresheners and newspapers.
Einhorn defended himself by alleging that his girlfriend was killed by CIA agents who framed him.

The CIA is also accused of orchestrating 9/11 and being in secret control of the Muslim world by much of the 'Truther' movement.

Read it all.

Video: AFL-CIO Head Trumka says 'Forget About the Law'

On April 7th of this year, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and UAW President Bob King spoke at The Future of Unions in America Roundtable. To set this up, consider that Trumka once bragged about visiting Obama's White House 'two or three times a week' and King was appointed to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations by Obama. Simply put, if Obama disagreed with what you are about to hear both of these men say, they're access and / or employment with his administration would be gone. The fact that it isn't is a tacit admission by Obama that he approves of law breaking if it means furthering a political agenda.

Shockingly, these things are not shocking to Americans.

Via The Blaze:

After all, Obama's ideological hero, Saul Alinsky had quite a few things about ends justifying the means in Rules 4 Radicals:
Chapter 2. Of Means and Ends [Forget moral or ethical considerations]

"The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24

"The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means... The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be...." pp.25-26

"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29

"The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34

"The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36
In light of the fact that an Obama friend (Trumka) and an Obama appointee (King) said 'Forget about the law' and 'We're not going to rely on the law' respectively, it is now irrefutable that Obama lied when he said this.

John McCain: Beheaders are 'My Heroes'

If there is not greater proof that John McCain would have been a disaster as President of the United States, I don't know where it can be found. Not long after he arrived in Benghazi, Libya to meet with opposition (rebel) leaders, an al-Jazeera reporter asked him if he was concerned about the makeup of the rebel forces. After appearing taken aback by such a question, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee responded that the rebels are 'my heroes.' Lost on McCain is apparently the fact that those forces are made up of a significant contingent of al-Qaeda.

Want proof? As McCain was singing the praises of the rebel forces, a video was going viral on the internet. That video showed rebel forces beheading a captured Libyan soldier. Making that even more relevant is McCain's history as a POW. Here is video of McCain's shameful words. Fast forward to the 1:35 mark.

CBS News also reported on McCain's visit / ill-advised words:
The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee spoke in Benghazi, a city that has been the opposition capital in the rebel-held eastern Libya.

McCain said he was in Benghazi "to get an on-the-ground assessment of the situation" and to meet with opposition leaders and members of the rebel military.

"They are my heroes," McCain said of the rebels as he walked out of a local hotel in Benghazi.

He also said today the rebel Transitional National Council deserves recognition as the legitimate voice of the Libyan people.

Reporting from Benghazi, Libya, CBS News correspondent Allen Pizzey said the arrival of McCain is exactly the kind of VIP trip the Transitional National Council has been looking for.

McCain told Pizzey that what he really thinks should happen is that $30 billion in assets that are already frozen that belong to Libya, should be released to the Transitional National Council so that they can get this part of the country working.
For what it's worth, that $30 Billion should go toward paying off our debt before it goes to funding al-Qaeda inspired rebel fighters McCain thinks are 'heroes.'

This despicable gaffe on the part of McCain actually trumps what he said on the 2008 campaign trail and I didn't think that was possible:

h/t Weasel Zippers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wisconsin Liberal Loses Election by 7000 Votes, wants Recount

The following example provides the perfect microcosm for what's wrong with liberalism. The recent election for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice shows incumbent Republican David Prosser up by more than 7,000 votes. Liberal challenger Joanne Kloppenburg wants a recount. As a percentage of the overall vote, Kloppenburg lost by .5% but the number is still significant. The day after the April 5th election, Kloppenburg declared victory, which is a key aspect to the video below. Then, several thousand votes were found not to have been counted. Yes, they benefited Prosser but when such things happen to the Democrats, votes aren't found to not have been counted; they're just 'found.'

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is giving Kloppenburg the official eye-roll and reporting that the recount she's demanding is unnecessarily costly at a time when costs are a big concern everywhere:
JoAnne Kloppenburg certainly had the right to ask for a statewide recount on Wednesday.

But we had hoped that she wouldn't - and the state would be better off if she hadn't.

We understand the motivation. The final county-by-county canvassing of the state Supreme Court election revealed that Justice David Prosser won a narrow victory, a reflection of how polarizing the new governor and his policies have become. The heat generated by the controversy over those policies most likely spurred the significant turnout for a spring nonpartisan election and a 7,316-vote win for Prosser - less than 0.5% of the 1.5 million votes cast.

That's slim, but it's not likely that a statewide recount will change the outcome. Were it a margin in the hundreds of votes, perhaps, but Kloppenburg has to recognize that it's not.
Here is video of Kloppenburg announcing her intention to carry forward with the recount. The best part of this video - hands down - occurs at around the 1:40 mark when a reporter asks her if she still thinks she won the election. The ensuing pause was so long, you could have played the entire Jeopardy song - twice!


h/t Hot Air

Video: Col. Allen West Explains why Obama a 'Low Level Socialist Agitator'

This is the guy - not Donald Trump - who should be skyrocketing in the polls. Trump has given any presidential hopeful the roadmap for defeating Obama; going on offense and fighting. So far, the reason there is no real frontrunner for the Republican nomination is because no one has really chosen that path, Rep. Col. Allen West. Among the things he has called Obama is a 'low level socialist agitator' who exhibits 'third world dictator-like arrogance.' West was on Greta to explain or back away from those comments. He dug in while choosing to do the former.

Some may say that Lt. Col. West doesn't have the experience to be president; he just got elected to congress for the first time this past November. That position requires an arrogance that diminishes military experience, of which he has plenty. One of the titles the president carries is Commander in Chief. West is far more experienced in that regard than is Obama.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Videos: Andrew Breitbart Smacks Down MSNBC Interviewer

Andrew Breitbart appeared on MSNBC for an interview with Martin Bashir to promote his new book, Righteous Indignation: Excuse me while I save the world. If anyone on the right needs a case study on how to deal with Alinsky smear tactics, just watch this video because Bashir lays it on thick. At one point he holds up a picture of Obama's face on a chimpanzee and asks Breitbart what he thinks of it. It was truly the visual equivalent of the notorious question, 'When did you stop beating your wife?' It was truly pathetic on the part of Bashir but Breitbart turns the tables on him and wins hands down.

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After that interview, Breitbart appeared on Steve Malzberg's radio show and challenged Bashir to prove that he actually read Breitbart's book - like he said he did during the interview. Breitbart threw down $10,000 to sweeten the pot.

Via Breitbart TV

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Video: Unhinged Whack Job Exhibits Whackjobiness at Tea Party

This guy would be perfect in a clown suit. At a Chicago Tea Party, this protester shows up with a sign rooted in sheer brilliance. It said, 'The Tea Party Sucks.' At practically every turn, his response to every inquiry regarding his position involves a curse word or the middle finger. Perhaps that's because he has a terribly difficult time explaining his position. On why he doesn't like Sarah Palin, all he can say is, 'Come on.' On why he thinks the Tea Party 'sucks,' he says because they're a bunch of 'A$$holes.' The best example of this is when the cameraman asks the protester why he's calling him names. The response? 'Because you're a stupid Tea Party idiot.'

The best part of this clip comes at the very end so stick with it.


Via Rebel Pundit:

h/t Sharp Elbows

Video: Hannity Interview with Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison

Sean Hannity interviewed Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) on his television show. To his credit, Hannity challenged Ellison, one of only two Muslim congressmen, on several points. At one point, Hannity asked Ellison about radical Islamists being at war with America and Ellison lumped all 'terrorists' into the same pot, including abortion clinic murderers. That's pathetic when the disparity between the number of radical Islamists and abortion clinic murderers are tallied. Ellison also used the same talking points that the Muslim Brotherhood uses when having to demonstrate to westerners they're well-intentioned; he targets al-Qaeda.

Hannity didn't appear to catch that and didn't ask Ellison about his ties to CAIR or Hamas. Such questioning, if rooted in a premise that al-Qaeda, Hamas, and CAIR are all part of the Muslim Brotherhood would have really put Ellison in a box. That said, it's worth watching. It gets contentious at several points and Hannity did a good job overall.

Here's Part 1 via Freedom's Lighthouse:

Part 2

CBS Runs Interference for Obama, Edits 'Open Mic' Comments

This 'open mic' incident in which Obama was heard talking candidly with donors in Chicago after the press had left just got a bit more interesting. The two minutes of audio released by CBS was certainly embarrassing for Obama but it didn't go much beyond exposing a level of arrogance most everyone knows he has. It's now been learned that CBS heavily edited the recording before they released it, which appears to mean what was left out is far more damaging than what was left in.

The job of CBS White House Correspondent Mark Knoller is basically to follow Obama's every move when possible and report on it. He is the one credited with releasing the two minute recording but there was much more. John Romano of Yes, But, However! tweeted Knoller multiple times, asking him why the full tape hadn't been released. Knoller finally did respond.
After several tweets by Yes, But, However! to Mr. Knoller as to why the full tape hasn’t been made public, he responded: “My editors decided against it.” Mr. Knoller offered no further explanation.
This certainly carries echoes of 2008, when the Los Angeles Times would not release video of Obama at a party with Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian with ties to the PLO.

Here is the audio that WAS released by CBS.

h/t Founding Bloggers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ATF Director Blows Subpoena Deadline, Issa Escalates

ATF Director Kenneth Melson has been blowing off deadlines in letters from Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) for a few months now. Count a blown subpoena deadline from Issa among Melson's list of instances in which he refused to comply. On March 31st, Issa subpoenaed Melson and gave him a deadline of April 13th. That deadline came and went. Now, Issa is issuing a stern warning to Melson that contempt hearings may take place.

In his most recent letter, Issa refers to the ATF's previous reasons for non-compliance, that there is an ongoing investigation. Issa's argument, which is quite sound, is that the ATF may have the right to withhold documents in a case that Congress is aiding them with but not in a case where ATF is the subject of the investigation.

Perhaps the final paragraph in Issa's letter is the most scathing:
While I am certainly sensitive to protecting the integrity of pending criminal investigations, the Department has not provided information to substantiate its claims or produced other documents unrelated to specific cases. Therefore, I am hereby informing you that the Committee intends to enforce the subpoena issued to you on March 31, 2011. If you do not comply with the subpoena, the Committee will be forced to commence contempt proceedings.
The longer the ATF stonewalls, the worse this will look for the administration. Courtesy of whistleblowers at the ATF, it is charged that ATF Director Melson was aware of Operation Fast and Furious, a program that allowed guns to 'walk' into Mexico. Two of those guns were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.

Also, the longer the administration does not find someone in the ATF who authorized the program without approval, the worse it looks for the administration itself. If this extends to Obama - or even Holder - it is Watergate with murder.

Read it all.

Video: Leftist Calls for Guillotines

This one is despicable. While at an anti-Tea Party rally, this rabid leftist invokes the good old days of the French Revolution, when there was an uprising not birthed by a desire for freedom but by animus toward the aristocrats. It was bloody savagery. This whacko then goes a step further by calling for actual guillotines to be placed in front of every bank, chamber of commerce, and Republican Party Headquarters. This did not sound like a metaphor or an allegory intended to make a point. This appears to be very close to incitement and threats.


h/t Weasel Zippers

Video: Whack Job Leftist Tells Reporter his name is 'Drop Dead'

This is destined to become a classic case study in projection. To set this up, Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray held a press conference to discuss the recently resurrected school voucher program there. As part of the budget deal in Congress, that voucher program was put back in place after reportedly being voted down. Kerry Picket of the Washington Times was on hand to ask Gray some questions after his statement. Soon thereafter, two men standing behind Pickett can be heard talking to her. When she turns the camera around (about the :45 mark), viewers are face to face with two angry leftists. The one on the left has his dander up while telling a very calm Pickett that she is 'obviously hostile and filled with contempt.'

It is this guy's hostility that makes this clip so hysterically funny.

Check it all out at Washington Times.

Trump's Conflicting Views on Reagan

To Donald Trump's credit, he had a meteoric rise among the Tea Party. More than anything else, that rise should tell the establishment what voters want - a candidate who will fight, not a leader who will cry (Boehner). To Trump's detriment, his flirtation with the Tea Party is saying more about the power of the latter. Trump was challenged on his abortion stance and suddenly, he's pro-life. In 2000, he wrote very strongly about his support for universal health care. It now appears Trump has a Reagan problem.

Check out this excerpt from Trump's The Art of the Deal. In particular, pay attention to the last paragraph in which Trump questions Reagan's honesty.

Big h/t to Free Republic for this image.

Contrast that with this interview Trump gave to Sean Hannity last week. Via Townhall.

Video Shocker: Obama Lies again

Most of us remember the bridge that collapsed in Minnesota in 2007. This just goes to show how some crises can be exploited long after they've taken place. While speaking to students in Annandale, VA Barack Obama pointed to the bridge collapse as evidence of what can happen without sufficient infrastructure spending. Turns out, it was just a shameless attempt not to let a three year-old crisis go to waste. The collapse of the bridge had NOTHING to do with insufficient infrastructure spending; it had to do with a design flaw according to the NTSB, an agency under Obama's direction.

Via CNS News:

More at Hot Air

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Video: Texas Reporter Scolded by Obama

WFAA Television (Dallas, TX) reporter Brad Watson made a trip to Washington, D.C. and was granted an interview with Barack Obama at the White House. Obama's reaction at the end of the interview, which consisted of mildly tough questions, provides some insight into why the liberal media is so loath to challenge Obama at all. Here, Watson only lightly challenges the president but Obama scolds him after the interview was over. Odds are good, he expected that part to be left on the cutting room floor.

Looks like another open-mic moment courtesy of a Dallas reporter who actually had the gall to ask Obama some legitimate questions.

Via The Blaze:

AFL-CIO Union Backing Cop Killer

Mumia Abu-Jamal is on death row for the murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Abu-Jamal is also revered by Bill Ayers and Van Jones. The former had a photos of the cop killer plastered to his office door and the latter produced a record album that featured Abu-Jamal. Now, the American Federation of Teachers Union (AFT) in California has expressed support for the death row inmate. AFT rolls up under the AFL-CIO but another union - the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - is disgusted with the AFT and is confronting them.

FOP President Chuck Canterbury has written a scathing letter to AFT. Here is that letter via Big Government:


After reading this, I began thinking about how many of the cops in Wisconsin sided with the protesters. The police and protesters shared a common bond; each belonged to a public sector union. However, this story would seem to indicate the potential for an equally divisive issue. The vast majority of union supporters are planted firmly in the leftwing ideology. A significant percentage of leftists support Mumia Abu-Jamal's release.

This could be both a microcosm and a precursor to much larger problems in the world of the left and unions.

Here is the record album Van Jones's Ella Baker center produced. It is narrated by Abu-Jamal and Van Jones even appears on it.

Read it all.

Al Gore's New Ally: Charles Manson

Right now, somewhere, Al Gore's face is planted firmly in his palm. His Global Warming / Climate Change crusade has been backfiring on him in a major way for some time now. First, there was climategate, then the visual of the Copenhagen summit was one of record snowfall. The world seems to continue experiencing record lows. Then came the divorce with Tipper and a slew of other embarrassing - and inconvenient - truths started to reveal themselves to Al's detriment. It appears that Mr. Gore has a new supporter now.

Via Daily Mail:
Crazed cult leader Charles Manson has broken a 20-year silence in a prison interview coinciding with the 40th anniversary of his conviction for the gruesome Sharon Tate murders - to speak out about global warming.

The infamous killer, who started championing environmental causes from behind bars, bemoaned the 'bad things' being done to environment in a rambling phone interview from his Californian jail cell.

'Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere.

'If we don’t change that as rapidly as I’m speaking to you now, if we don’t put the green back on the planet and put the trees back that we’ve butchered, if we don’t go to war against the problem...' he added, trailing off.
If a man with a swastika tattooed to his forehead is behind Al Gore, how far behind would Hitler himself be?

This endorsement is destined for the 'endorsement I don't need file.'

Gore continues to go down in flames.

h/t Hot Air

Glenn Beck's Source Attribution Problem

First, an article was posted at the Daily Caller website on April 18th that cited claims by multiple bloggers that Glenn Beck habitually uses videos and materials without giving credit to his sources. One of the people quoted in the article is Andrew Breitbart, who actually admitted that Beck doesn't seem to cite the lesser known sources much. It also goes on to say that Beck has a heavy reliance on material from other sources. That's true but Beck's strength is taking those sources and connecting dots with them.

Via the Daily Caller:
Publisher Andrew Breitbart has seen a number of his stories surface on various Beck media properties over the past few years. While he describes himself as “grateful for the many times he has credited me and my sites,” Breitbart says that “sometimes he also uses other peoples’ work without crediting them, making it appear as though it were his own. But especially since adopting ‘The Truth Has No Agenda’ slogan – and trying to deliberately re-position himself as the pious conscience and judge of many of those he took content from – he has exposed himself to his new motto’s unforgiving standard.”

By any standard, Beck seems unusually reliant on the work of others, and unusually reluctant to credit it. In an interview with TheDC, Roger L. Simon, CEO of Pajamas Media, suggested that Beck has committed the journalistic equivalent of a notorious crime. “It is not a question of just doing it right the majority of the time. It is a question of doing it right always,” Simon said. “Doris Kearns Goodwin is forever a fraud in my estimation because she has been caught plagiarizing once. If you rob a bank once, you still robbed a bank.”

A remarkably large number of conservative writers say they feel robbed. During the March 18 airing of his television program, for example, Beck ran a portion of video created by a Chicago-based blogger who calls himself Rebel Pundit. The blogger, who does not publicly reveal his name, says he was initially pleased to see Beck running his video, which featured left-wing protesters demanding amnesty for illegal immigrants. He was soon shocked, however, to see that Beck’s staff had obscured the watermark logo of his website,, from the tape.
Beck responded to this article by mocking the charges (video below). I don't think that was a good way to go about it; these are the people in the trenches who are leading the movement he claims to champion. The people who are wanting to be cited are those that do a lot of hard work and if Beck's staff took a video from a blogger known as Rebel Pundit and scrubbed the guy's website from the video, that's just wrong. If you have a one hour show with 5 hours of material, it can sometimes get dicey. It's hard to cite all of your sources and doing so at every turn can take away from the quality of the broadcast but that reality doesn't apply to scrubbing a website from videos. Such things appear on the screen and do not detract from the broadcast if left alone. It actually takes more work to scrub the logo than to leave it alone.

Here is Beck's response to the piece in the Daily Caller. Note he references the article as appearing on the USA Today blog, which likely picked up the DC article and ran it. Beck comes off looking small here for mocking those who just want credit for their work. In this segment, he's clearly attempting to smear those with a grievance by painting their charges as ridiculous. Note too that he very quickly says his staff didn't 'scrub' any videos. If they scrubbed a website logo from videos submitted by bloggers, Beck may have lied about that. Perhaps that's why he spent such little time talking about that charge.

Via Verum Serum:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Video: Leftist Thugs Boo During National Anthem in Madison, WI

The Tea Party won the day in Madison, WI with respect to the collective bargaining debate. The final nail in the coffin appears to have been Prosser's re-election to the state Supreme Court. Perhaps that's why the leftist thugs who showed up at the Madison Tea Party were in such a rotten mood, so rotten in fact that they booed during the national anthem. In a display of how slow they are to catch onto what they were doing, the entire song was almost over before they changed gears and began singing. Take note of the complete disrespect shown for the Star Spangled Banner by this gaggle of whack jobs.

Via Breitbart:

Video: NYPD Arrests Man for Talking on Sidewalk

Believe it or not, the headline of this post is not misleading. This arrest is literally more absurd than arresting someone for dropping a biodegradable peanut shell in a field of grass. The video starts out with the NYPD issuing a citation to a man who was caught riding a bicycle on the sidewalk. Another man walks by the scene and jokes with the cyclist, saying that he's an adult and should know better than to ride his bike on the sidewalk - an obvious jibe directed at the cops through the cyclist. Clearly, the man was mocking the law but I don't think that's grounds for an arrest.

The NYPD thought differently. Via Hot Air:

EMBED-NYPD Arrests Guy For Cracking A Joke - Watch more free videos

Paul Krugman Loses his Conscience in Three Months

Within hours of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on January 8th, the New York Times's Paul Krugman blamed that shooting on the 'rhetoric' of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin. He also insinuated a motive that proved not to exist. Krugman pointed to Palin's 'crosshairs' map that highlighted congressional races that needed attention and used logic that said Giffords could have been a target of the Tea Party because she didn't lose in November.

That was THEN and THIS is now. It took Krugman just a bit more than three months to encourage the left to engage in 'uncivil' discourse.
Last week, President Obama offered a spirited defense of his party’s values — in effect, of the legacy of the New Deal and the Great Society. Immediately thereafter, as always happens when Democrats take a stand, the civility police came out in force. The president, we were told, was being too partisan; he needs to treat his opponents with respect; he should have lunch with them, and work out a consensus.

That’s a bad idea. Equally important, it’s an undemocratic idea.
Then Krugman goes Alinsky on the Heritage Foundation, singling the organization out in much the same way the Koch brothers were singled out in Wisconsin. Krugman then ends his call to incivility thusly:
Sorry to be cynical, but right now “bipartisan” is usually code for assembling some conservative Democrats and ultraconservative Republicans — all of them with close ties to the wealthy, and many who are wealthy themselves — and having them proclaim that low taxes on high incomes and drastic cuts in social insurance are the only possible solution.

This would be a corrupt, undemocratic way to make decisions about the shape of our society even if those involved really were wise men with a deep grasp of the issues. It’s much worse when many of those at the table are the sort of people who solicit and believe the kind of policy analyses that the Heritage Foundation supplies.

So let’s not be civil. Instead, let’s have a frank discussion of our differences. In particular, if Democrats believe that Republicans are talking cruel nonsense, they should say so — and take their case to the voters.
In Krugman's defense, the left has shown that it doesn't need much of a reason to engage in thuggish behavior and incivility. Here is a case in point:

That said, this dose of hypocrisy from Krugman could choke a donkey.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

FBI Vault: Hitler in Argentina After War, Didn't Commit Suicide

This one certainly beats the one page FBI document that reported - second hand - that three flying saucers crashed in New Mexico and contained three three-foot men in each saucer. How about a 203 page FBI file that reports Hitler did not commit suicide after WWII? Instead, he allegedly fled to Argentina via submarine with the help of six top Argentine officials, two weeks after the fall of Berlin. There's quite a bit of detail here so this isn't like the voluminous number of Elvis sightings. The King of Rock and Roll died in his bathroom and there was a body. Hitler's body was never found.

Via the FBI Vault:
According to (redacted) he was one of four men who met HITLER and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina approximately two and one-half weeks after the fall of Berlin. (Redacted) continued that the first sub came close to shore about 11:00 p.m. after it had been signaled that it was safe to land and a doctor and several men disembarked. Approximately two hours later the second sub came ashore and HITLER, two women, another doctor, and several more men, making the whold party arriving by submarines approximately 50, were aboard. By pre-arranged plan with six top Argentine officials, pack horses were waiting for the group and by daylight all supplies were loaded on the horses and an all-day trip inland toward the foothills of the southern Andes was started. At dusk the party arrived at the ranch where Hitler and his party, according to (redacted) are now in hiding. (Redacted) most specifically explained that the subs landed along the tip of the Valdez Peninsula along the southern tip of Argentina in the gulf of San Vatias. (Redacted) told (redacted) that there are several tiny villages in this area where members of HITLER's party would eventually stay with German families. He named the towns as San Antonio, Videma, Neuquen, Muster, Carmona, and Rason.
That's just a sampling. Plenty more HERE.

Countdown to the first Hitler rant about why he was forced to go to Argentina instead of being allowed to commit suicide begins now.

h/t Web Today

Obama Thumbs his Nose at Boehner, keeps Czars, Breaks Another Promise

One of the knocks on House Speaker John Boehner is that he caves and doesn't have the political courage to confront Obama and the Democrats. His response to Obama's refusal to honor the terms of the budget deal reached at the 11th hour - relative to the part about the elimination of 'Czars' - will either assuage some of those concerns about Boehner OR it will reinforce them. There are four 'Czar' positions in the Obama administration that were to be eliminated as part of the terms of the deal. Obama has chosen, instead, to thumb his nose at Boehner.

Via the Daily Caller:
In marked contrast to vows as a candidate not to use presidential signing statements as “an end run around Congress,” President Obama released a statement on the just-signed spending bill saying despite the law’s restrictions on “czars,” he will “construe” the law not to interfere with “presidential prerogatives.”

The move is an aggressive power play by Obama to gain an added advantage from the deal struck a week ago between the president, Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to narrowly avert government shutdown.

The legislation prohibits government money being spent on four Obama “czars,” newly created positions with far-reaching sway over federal agencies but facing no confirmation vote in the Senate.

However, some of the czars banned in the bill have already stepped down, and it is unclear whether replacements will be appointed.

Obama in his signing statement says the provision in the legislation prohibiting funding for the salaries of the four czars runs afoul of the president’s “well-established authority to supervise and oversee the executive branch, and to obtain advice in furtherance of this supervisory authority.”
The DC piece has one short excerpt on Boehner's reaction to the thumb in his eye that made a pass by Obama's nose first.
A spokesman for Boehner, Michael Steel, said “It’s not surprising that the White House, having bypassed Congress to empower these ‘Czars’ is objecting to eliminating them.”
Nowhere in that statement do I see any kind of commitment from Boehner that he will refuse to accept the signing statement. If that's all he's going to say or do about this, we have yet another indicator that Boehner is not willing to pick a righteous fight. Doing so here would be symbolic, yes, but the crying Speaker really does need to instill some voter confidence in his ability to do this job. So far, he's not having much luck.

Here is Obama in 2008, saying he will not issue signing statements to get his way. At minimum, Boehner and company should be hammering Obama on this. Breathe freely because holding your breath in hopes that Boehner will go after Obama on this is hazardous to your health.

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